Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Homeopatía" in Galician language version.
Despois de 1847, condo os doutores convencionais organizaroa a Asociación Médica Americana (AMA), ese corpo librou unha guerra contra o "curandeirismo", dirixíndoa especialmente a grupos médicos disidentes como os homeópatas, que prescribían doses infinitesimalmente pequenas de medicinas. Ironicamente, aínda que a AMA atacaba toda a homeopatía como curandeirismo, os médicos homeopáticos educados estaban expulsando a curandeiros non adestrados das súas filas. (After 1847, when regular doctors organized the American Medical Association (AMA), that body led the war on "quackery", especially targeting dissenting medical groups such as homeopaths, who prescribed infinitesimally small doses of medicine. Ironically, even as the AMA attacked all homeopathy as quackery, educated homeopathic physicians were expelling untrained quacks from their ranks.)
However, homeopathy is not totally devoid of risks... it may delay effective treatment or diagnosis
A onbservación, reflexión e experiencia desveláronme que o método mellor e verdadeiro de curar está fundamentado neste principio similia similibus curentur. Para curar de maneira suave, rápida, segura e duradoira cómpre elixir en cada caso unha medicina que excite unha afección similar (ὅμοιος πάθος) á aquela contra a cal se emprega. ( Observation, reflection, and experience have unfolded to me that the best and true method of cure is founded on the principle, similia similibus curentur. To cure in a mild, prompt, safe, and durable manner, it is necessary to choose in each case a medicine that will excite an affection similar (ὅμοιος πάθος) to that against which it is employed.)Trandutor do texto inglés: Charles H. Devrient, Esq.
dentro da comunidade médica tradicional é considerada un curandeirismo. (within the traditional medical community it is considered to be quackery)
Dentro da comunidade científica fóra da CMA, a homeopatía foi longo tempo considerada unha farsa.(Within the non-CAM scientific community, homeopathy has long been viewed as a sham)
Dentro da comunidade médica tradicional é considerada curandeirismo. (within the traditional medical community it is considered to be quackery)
Orixinal: Homeopathy is among the worst examples of faith-based medicine... These axioms [of homeopathy] are not only out of line with scientific facts but also directly opposed to them. If homeopathy is correct, much of physics, chemistry, and pharmacology must be incorrect... To have an open mind about homeopathy or similarly implausible forms of alternative medicine (e.g., Bach Flower remedies, spiritual healing, crystal therapy) is, therefore, not an option
However, homeopathy is not totally devoid of risks... it may delay effective treatment or diagnosis
O uso das MAC [Medicinas Alternativas e Complementarias] [considerando soamente este estudo nos países en desenvolvemento ecoómico] foi asociado co atraso en buscar consello médico (OR: 5.6; 95% CI: 2.3, 13.3) e a presentación nun estado avanzado da enfermidade
Na medicina humana pode habr un lugar para os aspectos psicoterapéuticos e de consello das consultas homeopáticas e os efectos placebo xerados polos produtos homeopáticos en pacientes que cren en ditos tratamentos, pero en medicina veterinaria estes factores é improbable que beneficien aos pacientes e o uso de produtos homeopáticos en medicina veterinaria é contrario ás mellores evidencias, irracional e inconsistente co coñecemento científico e médico o actual. (In human medicine, there may be a place for the counselling/psychotherapeutic aspects of homeopathic consults and the placebo effects generated by homeopathic products in patients who believe in such treatments, but in veterinary medicine these factors are unlikely to benefit patients, and the use of homeopathic products in veterinary medicine is contrary to best evidence, irrational, and inconsistent with current scientific and medical knowledge.)
... concordamos coas amplas avaliacións previas concluíndo que non hai ningunha enfermidade coñecida para a cal haxa probas robustas e reproducibles de que a homeopatía é efectiva alén do efecto placebo. (... we agree with previous extensive evaluations concluding that there are no known diseases for which there is robust, reproducible evidence that homeopathy is effective beyond the placebo effect.)
are not accepted by most modern medical experts and do not constitute competent and reliable scientific evidence that these products have the claimed treatment effects.
There is no reliable evidence that homoeopathy is effective for treating health conditions.
Dentro da comunidade científica fóra da CMA, a homeopatía foi longo tempo considerada unha farsa.(Within the non-CAM scientific community, homeopathy has long been viewed as a sham)
Orixinal: Homeopathy is among the worst examples of faith-based medicine... These axioms [of homeopathy] are not only out of line with scientific facts but also directly opposed to them. If homeopathy is correct, much of physics, chemistry, and pharmacology must be incorrect... To have an open mind about homeopathy or similarly implausible forms of alternative medicine (e.g., Bach Flower remedies, spiritual healing, crystal therapy) is, therefore, not an option
However, homeopathy is not totally devoid of risks... it may delay effective treatment or diagnosis
O uso das MAC [Medicinas Alternativas e Complementarias] [considerando soamente este estudo nos países en desenvolvemento ecoómico] foi asociado co atraso en buscar consello médico (OR: 5.6; 95% CI: 2.3, 13.3) e a presentación nun estado avanzado da enfermidade
Na medicina humana pode habr un lugar para os aspectos psicoterapéuticos e de consello das consultas homeopáticas e os efectos placebo xerados polos produtos homeopáticos en pacientes que cren en ditos tratamentos, pero en medicina veterinaria estes factores é improbable que beneficien aos pacientes e o uso de produtos homeopáticos en medicina veterinaria é contrario ás mellores evidencias, irracional e inconsistente co coñecemento científico e médico o actual. (In human medicine, there may be a place for the counselling/psychotherapeutic aspects of homeopathic consults and the placebo effects generated by homeopathic products in patients who believe in such treatments, but in veterinary medicine these factors are unlikely to benefit patients, and the use of homeopathic products in veterinary medicine is contrary to best evidence, irrational, and inconsistent with current scientific and medical knowledge.)
Baixo as directrices da emitidas en 1988, unha compañía pode vender produtos homeopáticos sen receita sen demostrar a súa eficicia ou seguridade e, a diferenza dos supementos dietéticos, no seu empaquetqado poden incluír afirmacións sobre o tratamento de condicións específicas, con tal de que sexan "autolimitadas" e non crónicas. Tales condicións inclúen torceduras, arrefriados ou alerxias. (Under FDA guidelines issued in 1988, a company can sell homeopathic products over the counter without demonstrating their safety or efficacy, and―unlike dietary supplements―their packaging can include claims about treating specific conditions, as long as they are "self-limiting" and not chronic. Such conditions include sprains, colds, or allergies.)
There is no reliable evidence that homoeopathy is effective for treating health conditions.
Na medicina humana pode habr un lugar para os aspectos psicoterapéuticos e de consello das consultas homeopáticas e os efectos placebo xerados polos produtos homeopáticos en pacientes que cren en ditos tratamentos, pero en medicina veterinaria estes factores é improbable que beneficien aos pacientes e o uso de produtos homeopáticos en medicina veterinaria é contrario ás mellores evidencias, irracional e inconsistente co coñecemento científico e médico o actual. (In human medicine, there may be a place for the counselling/psychotherapeutic aspects of homeopathic consults and the placebo effects generated by homeopathic products in patients who believe in such treatments, but in veterinary medicine these factors are unlikely to benefit patients, and the use of homeopathic products in veterinary medicine is contrary to best evidence, irrational, and inconsistent with current scientific and medical knowledge.)