Mollin, Richard A. (2002). A brief history of factoring and primality testing B. C. (before computers). Mathematics Magazine75. pp. 18–29. MR2107288. doi:10.2307/3219180. See also Sigler, pp. 65–66.
Mollin, Richard A. (2002). A brief history of factoring and primality testing B. C. (before computers). Mathematics Magazine75. pp. 18–29. MR2107288. doi:10.2307/3219180. See also Sigler, pp. 65–66.
Moyon, Marc; Spiesser, Maryvonne (3 June 2015). L’arithmétique des fractions dans l’œuvre de Fibonacci: fondements & usages. Archive for History of Exact Sciences69. pp. 391–427. doi:10.1007/s00407-015-0155-y.
Germano, Giuseppe (2013). "New Editorial Perspectives on Fibonacci's Liber Abaci". Reti Medievali Rivista. doi:10.6092/1593-2214/400.
Boyer, Carl (1968). A History of Mathematics(PDF). New York, London, Sydney: John Wiley & Sons. p. 280.