Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Lingua persa" in Galician language version.
En consecuencia, o número de cidadáns que se consideran taxicos é difícil de determinar. Os taxicos dentro e fóra da república, os académicos da Universidade Estatal de Samarcanda (SamGU) e os comentaristas internacionais suxiren que pode haber entre seis e sete millóns de taxicos en Uzbekistán, que constitúen o 30 por cento dos vinte e dous millóns de habitantes da república, no canto da cifra oficial do 4,7 por cento (Foltz 1996:213; Carlisle 1995:88).
Among other indigenous peoples of Iranian origin were the Tats, the Talishes, and the Kurds.
The Iranian Peoples (Ossetians, Tajiks, Tats, Mountain Judaists)
Todo isto afectou ás actividades de tradución en persa, minando seriamente o carácter internacional da lingua. O problema viuse agravado nos tempos modernos por varios factores, entre eles a recolocación do persa de Asia Central, rebautizado como taxico pola Unión Soviética, xunto coas linguas uzbeca e rusa, así como a aparición dun movemento de reforma lingüística en Irán que non prestou atención ás consecuencias dos seus pronunciamentos e actuacións para o conxunto da lingua.
Since the Arab conquest of the country in 7th century AD, many loan words have entered the language (which from this time has been written with a slightly modified version of the Arabic script) and the literature has been heavily influenced by the conventions of Arabic literature.
(...) Persian, the language originally spoken in the province of Fārs, which is descended from Old Persian, the language of the Achaemenid empire (6th–4th centuries B.C.E.), and Middle Persian, the language of the Sasanian empire (3rd–7th centuries C.E.).
Among other indigenous peoples of Iranian origin were the Tats, the Talishes, and the Kurds.
The Iranian Peoples (Ossetians, Tajiks, Tats, Mountain Judaists)
Todo isto afectou ás actividades de tradución en persa, minando seriamente o carácter internacional da lingua. O problema viuse agravado nos tempos modernos por varios factores, entre eles a recolocación do persa de Asia Central, rebautizado como taxico pola Unión Soviética, xunto coas linguas uzbeca e rusa, así como a aparición dun movemento de reforma lingüística en Irán que non prestou atención ás consecuencias dos seus pronunciamentos e actuacións para o conxunto da lingua.
(...) Persian, the language originally spoken in the province of Fārs, which is descended from Old Persian, the language of the Achaemenid empire (6th–4th centuries B.C.E.), and Middle Persian, the language of the Sasanian empire (3rd–7th centuries C.E.).
Since the Arab conquest of the country in 7th century AD, many loan words have entered the language (which from this time has been written with a slightly modified version of the Arabic script) and the literature has been heavily influenced by the conventions of Arabic literature.