Shimizu, Toshiki; Lungerich, Dominik; Harano, Koji; Nakamura, Eiichi (2022). "Time-Resolved Imaging of Stochastic Cascade Reactions over a Submillisecond to Second Time Range at the Angstrom Level". Journal of the American Chemical Society144 (22): 9797–9805. PMID35609254. arXiv:2202.13332. doi:10.1021/jacs.2c02297.
Feist, Armin; Bach, Nora; Rubiano da Silva, Nara; Danz, Thomas; Möller, Marcel; Priebe, Katharina E.; Domröse, Till; Gatzmann, J. Gregor; Rost, Stefan; Schauss, Jakob; Strauch, Stefanie; Bormann, Reiner; Sivis, Murat; Schäfer, Sascha; Ropers, Claus (2017-05-01). "Ultrafast Transmission Electron Microscopy Using a Laser-Driven Field Emitter: Femtosecond Resolution with a High Coherence Electron Beam". Ultramicroscopy. 70th Birthday of Robert Sinclair and 65th Birthday of Nestor J. Zaluzec PICO 2017 – Fourth Conference on Frontiers of Aberration Corrected Electron Microscopy 176: 63–73. PMID28139341. arXiv:1611.05022. doi:10.1016/j.ultramic.2016.12.005.
Faruqi, A.R; Henderson, R. (outubro de 2007). "Electronic detectors for electron microscopy". Current Opinion in Structural Biology17 (5): 549–555. PMID17913494. doi:10.1016/
Henderson, R.; Cattermole, D.; McMullan, G.; Scotcher, S.; Fordham, M.; Amos, W.B.; Faruqi, A.R. (febreiro de 2007). "Digitisation of electron microscope films: Six useful tests applied to three film scanners". Ultramicroscopy107 (2–3): 73–80. PMID16872749. doi:10.1016/j.ultramic.2006.05.003.
Roberts, P. T. E.; Chapman, J. N.; MacLeod, A. M. (1982-01-01). "A CCD-based image recording system for the CTEM". Ultramicroscopy8 (4): 385–396. ISSN0304-3991. doi:10.1016/0304-3991(82)90061-4.
Faruqi, A.R.; Henderson, R.; Pryddetch, M.; Allport, P.; Evans, A. (outubo de 2006). "Erratum to: "Direct single electron detection with a CMOS detector for electron microscopy"". Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment566 (2): 770. ISSN0168-9002. doi:10.1016/j.nima.2006.07.013.
Ercius, P.; Caswell, T.; Tate, M.W.; Ercan, A.; Gruner, S.M.; Muller, D. (setembro de 2005). "A Pixel Array Detector for Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy". Microscopy and Microanalysis14 (S2): 806–807. ISSN1431-9276. doi:10.1017/s1431927608085711.
Pulokas, James; Green, Carmen; Kisseberth, Nick; Potter, Clinton S.; Carragher, Bridget (1999). "Improving the Positional Accuracy of the Goniometer on the Philips CM Series TEM". Journal of Structural Biology128 (3): 250–256. PMID10633064. doi:10.1006/jsbi.1999.4181.
Kawase, Noboru; Kato, Mitsuro; Jinnai, Hiroshi; Jinnai, H (2007). "Transmission electron microtomography without the 'missing wedge' for quantitative structural analysis". Ultramicroscopy107 (1): 8–15. PMID16730409. doi:10.1016/j.ultramic.2006.04.007.
Porter, K; Blum, J (1953). "A study in Microtomy for Electron Microscopy". The Anatomical Record117 (4): 685–710. PMID13124776. doi:10.1002/ar.1091170403.
Nebesářová1, Jana; Vancová, Marie (2007). "How to Observe Small Biological Objects in Low-Voltage Electron Microscope". Microscopy and Microanalysis13 (3): 248–249. Bibcode:2007MiMic..13S.248N. doi:10.1017/S143192760708124X.
Drummy, Lawrence, F.; Yang, Junyan; Martin, David C. (2004). "Low-voltage electron microscopy of polymer and organic molecular thin films". Ultramicroscopy99 (4): 247–256. PMID15149719. doi:10.1016/j.ultramic.2004.01.011.
M.J. Zachman; et al. (2016). "Site-Specific Preparation of Intact Solid–Liquid Interfaces by Label-Free In Situ Localization and Cryo-Focused Ion Beam Lift-Out". Microscopy and Microanalysis22 (6): 1338–1349. Bibcode:2016MiMic..22.1338Z. PMID27869059. doi:10.1017/S1431927616011892.
P.A. Crozier; T.W. Hansen (2014). "In situ and operando transmission electron microscopy of catalytic materials". MRS Bulletin40: 38–45. doi:10.1557/mrs.2014.304. hdl:2286/R.I.35693.
Shimizu, Toshiki; Lungerich, Dominik; Harano, Koji; Nakamura, Eiichi (2022). "Time-Resolved Imaging of Stochastic Cascade Reactions over a Submillisecond to Second Time Range at the Angstrom Level". Journal of the American Chemical Society144 (22): 9797–9805. PMID35609254. arXiv:2202.13332. doi:10.1021/jacs.2c02297.
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Picher, Matthieu; Mazzucco, Stefano; Blankenship, Steve; Sharma, Renu (marzo de 2015). "Vibrational and optical spectroscopies integrated with environmental transmission electron microscopy". Ultramicroscopy150: 10–15. PMID25490533. doi:10.1016/j.ultramic.2014.11.023.
Niekiel, Florian; Kraschewski, Simon M.; Müller, Julian; Butz, Benjamin; Spiecker, Erdmann (2017-05-01). "Local temperature measurement in TEM by parallel beam electron diffraction". Ultramicroscopy. 70th Birthday of Robert Sinclair and 65th Birthday of Nestor J. Zaluzec PICO 2017 – Fourth Conference on Frontiers of Aberration Corrected Electron Microscopy 176: 161–169. ISSN0304-3991. PMID28049586. doi:10.1016/j.ultramic.2016.11.028.
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Feist, Armin; Bach, Nora; Rubiano da Silva, Nara; Danz, Thomas; Möller, Marcel; Priebe, Katharina E.; Domröse, Till; Gatzmann, J. Gregor; Rost, Stefan; Schauss, Jakob; Strauch, Stefanie; Bormann, Reiner; Sivis, Murat; Schäfer, Sascha; Ropers, Claus (2017-05-01). "Ultrafast Transmission Electron Microscopy Using a Laser-Driven Field Emitter: Femtosecond Resolution with a High Coherence Electron Beam". Ultramicroscopy. 70th Birthday of Robert Sinclair and 65th Birthday of Nestor J. Zaluzec PICO 2017 – Fourth Conference on Frontiers of Aberration Corrected Electron Microscopy 176: 63–73. PMID28139341. arXiv:1611.05022. doi:10.1016/j.ultramic.2016.12.005.
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M.J. Zachman; et al. (2016). "Site-Specific Preparation of Intact Solid–Liquid Interfaces by Label-Free In Situ Localization and Cryo-Focused Ion Beam Lift-Out". Microscopy and Microanalysis22 (6): 1338–1349. Bibcode:2016MiMic..22.1338Z. PMID27869059. doi:10.1017/S1431927616011892.
Vendelbo, S.B.; Kooyman, P.J.; Creemer, J.F.; Morana, B.; Mele, L.; Dona, P.; Nelissen, B.J.; Helveg, S. (outubro de 2013). "Method for local temperature measurement in a nanoreactor for in situ high-resolution electron microscopy". Ultramicroscopy133: 72–79. Bibcode:2013IJMSI.133...72V. PMID23831940. doi:10.1016/j.ultramic.2013.04.004.
Faruqi, A.R; Henderson, R. (outubro de 2007). "Electronic detectors for electron microscopy". Current Opinion in Structural Biology17 (5): 549–555. PMID17913494. doi:10.1016/
Henderson, R.; Cattermole, D.; McMullan, G.; Scotcher, S.; Fordham, M.; Amos, W.B.; Faruqi, A.R. (febreiro de 2007). "Digitisation of electron microscope films: Six useful tests applied to three film scanners". Ultramicroscopy107 (2–3): 73–80. PMID16872749. doi:10.1016/j.ultramic.2006.05.003.
Pulokas, James; Green, Carmen; Kisseberth, Nick; Potter, Clinton S.; Carragher, Bridget (1999). "Improving the Positional Accuracy of the Goniometer on the Philips CM Series TEM". Journal of Structural Biology128 (3): 250–256. PMID10633064. doi:10.1006/jsbi.1999.4181.
Kawase, Noboru; Kato, Mitsuro; Jinnai, Hiroshi; Jinnai, H (2007). "Transmission electron microtomography without the 'missing wedge' for quantitative structural analysis". Ultramicroscopy107 (1): 8–15. PMID16730409. doi:10.1016/j.ultramic.2006.04.007.
Porter, K; Blum, J (1953). "A study in Microtomy for Electron Microscopy". The Anatomical Record117 (4): 685–710. PMID13124776. doi:10.1002/ar.1091170403.
Drummy, Lawrence, F.; Yang, Junyan; Martin, David C. (2004). "Low-voltage electron microscopy of polymer and organic molecular thin films". Ultramicroscopy99 (4): 247–256. PMID15149719. doi:10.1016/j.ultramic.2004.01.011.
M.J. Zachman; et al. (2016). "Site-Specific Preparation of Intact Solid–Liquid Interfaces by Label-Free In Situ Localization and Cryo-Focused Ion Beam Lift-Out". Microscopy and Microanalysis22 (6): 1338–1349. Bibcode:2016MiMic..22.1338Z. PMID27869059. doi:10.1017/S1431927616011892.
Shimizu, Toshiki; Lungerich, Dominik; Harano, Koji; Nakamura, Eiichi (2022). "Time-Resolved Imaging of Stochastic Cascade Reactions over a Submillisecond to Second Time Range at the Angstrom Level". Journal of the American Chemical Society144 (22): 9797–9805. PMID35609254. arXiv:2202.13332. doi:10.1021/jacs.2c02297.
Yaguchi, T.; Suzuki, M.; Watabe, A.; Nagakubo, Y.; Ueda, K.; Kamino, T. (2011-03-22). "Development of a high temperature-atmospheric pressure environmental cell for high-resolution TEM". Journal of Electron Microscopy60 (3): 217–225. ISSN0022-0744. PMID21427119. doi:10.1093/jmicro/dfr011.
Picher, Matthieu; Mazzucco, Stefano; Blankenship, Steve; Sharma, Renu (marzo de 2015). "Vibrational and optical spectroscopies integrated with environmental transmission electron microscopy". Ultramicroscopy150: 10–15. PMID25490533. doi:10.1016/j.ultramic.2014.11.023.
Niekiel, Florian; Kraschewski, Simon M.; Müller, Julian; Butz, Benjamin; Spiecker, Erdmann (2017-05-01). "Local temperature measurement in TEM by parallel beam electron diffraction". Ultramicroscopy. 70th Birthday of Robert Sinclair and 65th Birthday of Nestor J. Zaluzec PICO 2017 – Fourth Conference on Frontiers of Aberration Corrected Electron Microscopy 176: 161–169. ISSN0304-3991. PMID28049586. doi:10.1016/j.ultramic.2016.11.028.
Vendelbo, S.B.; Kooyman, P.J.; Creemer, J.F.; Morana, B.; Mele, L.; Dona, P.; Nelissen, B.J.; Helveg, S. (outubro de 2013). "Method for local temperature measurement in a nanoreactor for in situ high-resolution electron microscopy". Ultramicroscopy133: 72–79. Bibcode:2013IJMSI.133...72V. PMID23831940. doi:10.1016/j.ultramic.2013.04.004.
Legros, Marc; Cabié, Martiane; Gianola, Daniel S. (marzo de 2009). "In situ deformation of thin films on substrates". Microscopy Research and Technique72 (3): 270–283. PMID19189313. doi:10.1002/jemt.20680.
Feist, Armin; Bach, Nora; Rubiano da Silva, Nara; Danz, Thomas; Möller, Marcel; Priebe, Katharina E.; Domröse, Till; Gatzmann, J. Gregor; Rost, Stefan; Schauss, Jakob; Strauch, Stefanie; Bormann, Reiner; Sivis, Murat; Schäfer, Sascha; Ropers, Claus (2017-05-01). "Ultrafast Transmission Electron Microscopy Using a Laser-Driven Field Emitter: Femtosecond Resolution with a High Coherence Electron Beam". Ultramicroscopy. 70th Birthday of Robert Sinclair and 65th Birthday of Nestor J. Zaluzec PICO 2017 – Fourth Conference on Frontiers of Aberration Corrected Electron Microscopy 176: 63–73. PMID28139341. arXiv:1611.05022. doi:10.1016/j.ultramic.2016.12.005.
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Roberts, P. T. E.; Chapman, J. N.; MacLeod, A. M. (1982-01-01). "A CCD-based image recording system for the CTEM". Ultramicroscopy8 (4): 385–396. ISSN0304-3991. doi:10.1016/0304-3991(82)90061-4.
Faruqi, A.R.; Henderson, R.; Pryddetch, M.; Allport, P.; Evans, A. (outubo de 2006). "Erratum to: "Direct single electron detection with a CMOS detector for electron microscopy"". Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment566 (2): 770. ISSN0168-9002. doi:10.1016/j.nima.2006.07.013.
Ercius, P.; Caswell, T.; Tate, M.W.; Ercan, A.; Gruner, S.M.; Muller, D. (setembro de 2005). "A Pixel Array Detector for Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy". Microscopy and Microanalysis14 (S2): 806–807. ISSN1431-9276. doi:10.1017/s1431927608085711.
Yaguchi, T.; Suzuki, M.; Watabe, A.; Nagakubo, Y.; Ueda, K.; Kamino, T. (2011-03-22). "Development of a high temperature-atmospheric pressure environmental cell for high-resolution TEM". Journal of Electron Microscopy60 (3): 217–225. ISSN0022-0744. PMID21427119. doi:10.1093/jmicro/dfr011.
Niekiel, Florian; Kraschewski, Simon M.; Müller, Julian; Butz, Benjamin; Spiecker, Erdmann (2017-05-01). "Local temperature measurement in TEM by parallel beam electron diffraction". Ultramicroscopy. 70th Birthday of Robert Sinclair and 65th Birthday of Nestor J. Zaluzec PICO 2017 – Fourth Conference on Frontiers of Aberration Corrected Electron Microscopy 176: 161–169. ISSN0304-3991. PMID28049586. doi:10.1016/j.ultramic.2016.11.028.