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"RB1 Genetics". Daisy's Eye Cancer Fund. Oxford, UK. Arquivado dende o orixinal o 26 de novembro de 2011. Consultado o 2015-10-09.
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Hurst GD, Werren JH (agosto de 2001). "The role of selfish genetic elements in eukaryotic evolution". Nature Reviews Genetics2 (8): 597–606. PMID11483984. doi:10.1038/35084545.
Pfohl-Leszkowicz A, Manderville RA (aneiro de 2007). "Ochratoxin A: An overview on toxicity and carcinogenicity in animals and humans". Molecular Nutrition & Food Research51 (1): 61–99. PMID17195275. doi:10.1002/mnfr.200600137.
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Chenevix-Trench G, Spurdle AB, Gatei M, Kelly H, Marsh A, Chen X, Donn K, Cummings M, Nyholt D, Jenkins MA, Scott C, Pupo GM, Dörk T, Bendix R, Kirk J, Tucker K, McCredie MR, Hopper JL, Sambrook J, Mann GJ, Khanna KK (febreiro de 2002). "Dominant negative ATM mutations in breast cancer families". Journal of the National Cancer Institute94 (3): 205–15. PMID11830610. doi:10.1093/jnci/94.3.205.
Capaccio D, Ciccodicola A, Sabatino L, Casamassimi A, Pancione M, Fucci A, Febbraro A, Merlino A, Graziano G, Colantuoni V (xuño de 2010). "A novel germline mutation in peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma gene associated with large intestine polyp formation and dyslipidemia". Biochimica et Biophysica Acta1802 (6): 572–81. PMID20123124. doi:10.1016/j.bbadis.2010.01.012.
Ellis NA, Ciocci S, German J (febreiro de 2001). "Back mutation can produce phenotype reversion in Bloom syndrome somatic cells". Human Genetics108 (2): 167–73. PMID11281456. doi:10.1007/s004390000447.
Loewe L (abril de 2006). "Quantifying the genomic decay paradox due to Muller's ratchet in human mitochondrial DNA". Genetical Research87 (2): 133–59. PMID16709275. doi:10.1017/S0016672306008123.
Elena SF, Ekunwe L, Hajela N, Oden SA, Lenski RE (marzo de 1998). "Distribution of fitness effects caused by random insertion mutations in Escherichia coli". Genetica. 102–103 (1–6): 349–58. PMID9720287. doi:10.1023/A:1017031008316.
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Kassen R, Bataillon T (abril de 2006). "Distribution of fitness effects among beneficial mutations before selection in experimental populations of bacteria". Nature Genetics38 (4): 484–8. PMID16550173. doi:10.1038/ng1751.
Rokyta DR, Joyce P, Caudle SB, Wichman HA (abril de 2005). "An empirical test of the mutational landscape model of adaptation using a single-stranded DNA virus". Nature Genetics37 (4): 441–4. PMID15778707. doi:10.1038/ng1535.
Chadov BF, Fedorova NB, Chadova EV (2015-07-01). "Conditional mutations in Drosophila melanogaster: On the occasion of the 150th anniversary of G. Mendel's report in Brünn". Mutation Research/Reviews in Mutation Research765: 40–55. PMID26281767. doi:10.1016/j.mrrev.2015.06.001.
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Araten DJ, Golde DW, Zhang RH, Thaler HT, Gargiulo L, Notaro R, Luzzatto L (setembro de 2005). "A quantitative measurement of the human somatic mutation rate". Cancer Research65 (18): 8111–7. PMID16166284. doi:10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-04-1198.
Ionov Y, Peinado MA, Malkhosyan S, Shibata D, Perucho M (xuño de 1993). "Ubiquitous somatic mutations in simple repeated sequences reveal a new mechanism for colonic carcinogenesis". Nature363 (6429): 558–61. Bibcode:1993Natur.363..558I. PMID8505985. doi:10.1038/363558a0.
Burrus V, Waldor MK (xuño de 2004). "Shaping bacterial genomes with integrative and conjugative elements". Research in Microbiology155 (5): 376–86. PMID15207870. doi:10.1016/j.resmic.2004.01.012.
Harrison PM, Gerstein M (maio de 2002). "Studying genomes through the aeons: protein families, pseudogenes and proteome evolution". Journal of Molecular Biology318 (5): 1155–74. PMID12083509. doi:10.1016/S0022-2836(02)00109-2.
Long M, Betrán E, Thornton K, Wang W (novembro de 2003). "The origin of new genes: glimpses from the young and old". Nature Reviews. Genetics4 (11): 865–75. PMID14634634. doi:10.1038/nrg1204.
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Hurst GD, Werren JH (agosto de 2001). "The role of selfish genetic elements in eukaryotic evolution". Nature Reviews Genetics2 (8): 597–606. PMID11483984. doi:10.1038/35084545.
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Pfohl-Leszkowicz A, Manderville RA (aneiro de 2007). "Ochratoxin A: An overview on toxicity and carcinogenicity in animals and humans". Molecular Nutrition & Food Research51 (1): 61–99. PMID17195275. doi:10.1002/mnfr.200600137.
Boillée S, Vande Velde C, Cleveland DW (outubro de 2006). "ALS: a disease of motor neurons and their nonneuronal neighbors". Neuron52 (1): 39–59. PMID17015226. doi:10.1016/j.neuron.2006.09.018.
Chenevix-Trench G, Spurdle AB, Gatei M, Kelly H, Marsh A, Chen X, Donn K, Cummings M, Nyholt D, Jenkins MA, Scott C, Pupo GM, Dörk T, Bendix R, Kirk J, Tucker K, McCredie MR, Hopper JL, Sambrook J, Mann GJ, Khanna KK (febreiro de 2002). "Dominant negative ATM mutations in breast cancer families". Journal of the National Cancer Institute94 (3): 205–15. PMID11830610. doi:10.1093/jnci/94.3.205.
Capaccio D, Ciccodicola A, Sabatino L, Casamassimi A, Pancione M, Fucci A, Febbraro A, Merlino A, Graziano G, Colantuoni V (xuño de 2010). "A novel germline mutation in peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma gene associated with large intestine polyp formation and dyslipidemia". Biochimica et Biophysica Acta1802 (6): 572–81. PMID20123124. doi:10.1016/j.bbadis.2010.01.012.
Ellis NA, Ciocci S, German J (febreiro de 2001). "Back mutation can produce phenotype reversion in Bloom syndrome somatic cells". Human Genetics108 (2): 167–73. PMID11281456. doi:10.1007/s004390000447.
Loewe L (abril de 2006). "Quantifying the genomic decay paradox due to Muller's ratchet in human mitochondrial DNA". Genetical Research87 (2): 133–59. PMID16709275. doi:10.1017/S0016672306008123.
Elena SF, Ekunwe L, Hajela N, Oden SA, Lenski RE (marzo de 1998). "Distribution of fitness effects caused by random insertion mutations in Escherichia coli". Genetica. 102–103 (1–6): 349–58. PMID9720287. doi:10.1023/A:1017031008316.
Akashi H (setembro de 1999). "Within- and between-species DNA sequence variation and the 'footprint' of natural selection". Gene238 (1): 39–51. PMID10570982. doi:10.1016/S0378-1119(99)00294-2.
Eyre-Walker A (outubro de 2006). "The genomic rate of adaptive evolution". Trends in Ecology & Evolution21 (10): 569–75. PMID16820244. doi:10.1016/j.tree.2006.06.015.
Kassen R, Bataillon T (abril de 2006). "Distribution of fitness effects among beneficial mutations before selection in experimental populations of bacteria". Nature Genetics38 (4): 484–8. PMID16550173. doi:10.1038/ng1751.
Rokyta DR, Joyce P, Caudle SB, Wichman HA (abril de 2005). "An empirical test of the mutational landscape model of adaptation using a single-stranded DNA virus". Nature Genetics37 (4): 441–4. PMID15778707. doi:10.1038/ng1535.
Chadov BF, Fedorova NB, Chadova EV (2015-07-01). "Conditional mutations in Drosophila melanogaster: On the occasion of the 150th anniversary of G. Mendel's report in Brünn". Mutation Research/Reviews in Mutation Research765: 40–55. PMID26281767. doi:10.1016/j.mrrev.2015.06.001.
Ionov Y, Peinado MA, Malkhosyan S, Shibata D, Perucho M (xuño de 1993). "Ubiquitous somatic mutations in simple repeated sequences reveal a new mechanism for colonic carcinogenesis". Nature363 (6429): 558–61. Bibcode:1993Natur.363..558I. PMID8505985. doi:10.1038/363558a0.
Araten DJ, Golde DW, Zhang RH, Thaler HT, Gargiulo L, Notaro R, Luzzatto L (setembro de 2005). "A quantitative measurement of the human somatic mutation rate". Cancer Research65 (18): 8111–7. PMID16166284. doi:10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-04-1198.
"Somatic cell genetic mutation". Genome Dictionary. Athens, Greece: Information Technology Associates. 30 de xuño de 2007. Arquivado dende o orixinal o 24 de febreiro de 2010. Consultado o 2010-06-06.
"Somatic cell genetic mutation". Genome Dictionary. Athens, Greece: Information Technology Associates. 30 de xuño de 2007. Arquivado dende o orixinal o 24 de febreiro de 2010. Consultado o 2010-06-06.
"RB1 Genetics". Daisy's Eye Cancer Fund. Oxford, UK. Arquivado dende o orixinal o 26 de novembro de 2011. Consultado o 2015-10-09.