Opinións relixiosas de Adolf Hitler (Galician Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Opinións relixiosas de Adolf Hitler" in Galician language version.

Global rank Galician rank
6th place
8th place


  • Bullock, Alan (1991). Hitler: a Study in Tyranny. HarperCollins. p. 219. ISBN 9780060920203. Hitler had been brought up a Catholic and was impressed by the organisation and power of the Church... [but] to its teachings he showed only the sharpest hostility... he detested [Christianity]'s ethics in particular. (Hitler foi educado como católico e estaba impresionado pola organización e o poder da Igrexa... [aínda que] ás súas ensinanzas só amosaba a súa hostilidade... en particular detestaba a ética [cristiá]) 
  • Kershaw, Ian (2008 ed). Hitler: a Biography. W.W. Norton & Company. pp. 295–297. ISBN 9780393067576. In early 1937 [Hitler] was declaring that "Christianity was ripe for destruction", and that the Churches must yield to the "primacy of the state", railing against any compromise with "the most horrible institution imaginable" (A comezos de 1937 [Hitler] declaraba que "o cristianismo estaba listo para a súa destrución", e que as igrexas debían ceder á "primacía do Estado", en contra de calquera acordo coa "institución máis horrible imaxinable") 
  • Overy, Richard (2004). The Dictators: Hitler's Germany and Stalin's Russia. p. 281. ISBN 9780713993097. [Hitler's] few private remarks on Christianity betray a profound contempt and indifference (os poucos comentarios privados [de Hitler] sobre o cristianismo deixan ver un desprezo e unha indiferenza profundos). 
  • Wilson, A. N. (2012). Hitler: A Short Biography. HarperPress. ISBN 9780007413492. Much is sometimes made of the Catholic upbringing of Hitler... it was something to which Hitler himself often made allusion, and he was nearly always violently hostile. "The biretta! The mere sight of these abortions in cassocks makes me wild!" (Faise demasiado da educación católica de Hitler... foi algo ao que o propio Hitler a miúdo facía alusión, e case sempre de xeito violentamente hostil. "A biretta! A mera visión deses abortos en sotanas ponme violento") 
  • Rees, Laurence (2012). The Dark Charisma of Adolf Hitler. Ebury Press. p. 135. ISBN 9780091917630. There is no evidence that Hitler himself, in his personal life, ever expressed any individual belief in the basic tenets of the Christian church (Non hai evidencia de que o propio Hitler, na súa vida persoal, teña expresado alguna crenza persoal nos principios básicos da igrexa cristiá).