Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Oscillococcinum" in Galician language version.
Cita orixinal: These 'Uses’ have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. ... C, K, CK e X are homeopathic dilutions.
Pursuant to the Court’s April 25, 2012 Order Granting Preliminary Approval (“PA Order”, Dkt. 89), Plaintiffs Salvatore Gallucci, Amy Aronica, Kim Jones, Doris Petty, and Jeanne Prinzivalli respectfully submit this Memorandum in support of their Motion for Final Approval of the proposed classwide Settlement with Defendants Boiron, Inc. and Boiron USA, Inc.
Cita orixinal: One petition complains that Boiron’s packaging for Oscillococcinum lists the alleged active ingredient – duck liver and heart – in Latin only. Another petition complains that Boiron’s web ad for this product implies that it has received FDA approval. - If Boiron is going to sell snake oil, the least they can do is use English on their labels.
Cita orixinal: falsely advertises that Oscillo has the ability to cure the flu because it contains an active ingredient it claims is proven to get rid of flu symptoms in 48 hours. actually Muscovy Duck Liver and Heart ... and has no known medicinal quality.
A demanda legal dicía "Desafortunadamente, os defensores obviaron informar aos consumidores da verdade sobre Oscillo e o seu suposto ingrediente activo". "A verdade é que o ingrediente activo indicado en Oscillo, Anas Barbariae Hepatis et Cordis Extractum, nin é activo para combater a gripe nin é realmente un ingrediente en Oscillo". (Orixinal: "Unfortunately, Defendants fail to inform consumers of the truth regarding Oscillo and is purported active ingredient". "The truth is that the listed active ingredient in Oscillo, Anas Barbariae Hepatis et Cordis Extractum, is neither active in combating the flu nor is it actually an ingredient in Oscillo.")
O martes, a sala 9ª do Tribunal de Apelacións dos EUA ratifica un acordo de demanda colectiva do remedio homeopático de Boiron despois de desestimar a un obxector que argumentara que o acordo de 2012 era resultado dunha colusión. Na súa apelación á sala 9ª, o obxector Henry Gonzales argumentaba que o acordo da demanda colectiva de Boiron non era xusto, razoable e adecuado. Tamén argumentaba que a cantidade de 5 millóns de dólares do acordo do anuncio falso representa menos do 1% das vendas polo miúdo de Boiron e que os membros da demanda colectiva terían tido mellores posibilidades dun acordo xusto se a demanda colectiva tivese ido a xuízo. O tribunal de apelación de tres maxistrados non deu a razón a Gonzales e considerou que o xuíz de distrito dos EUA John A. Houston non abusara da súa discreción ao aprobar o acordo da demanda colectiva de Boiron en 2012. (Orixinal: On Tuesday, the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a Boiron homeopathic remedy class action settlement after disagreeing with an objector who had argued the 2012 deal was the result of collusion. In his appeal to the 9th Circuit, objector Henry Gonzales argued that the Boiron class action settlement was not fair, reasonable and adequate. He also argued that the $5 million false advertising settlement amount represents less than 1 percent of Boiron’s retail sales and that Class Members would have had a better shot at a fair deal if the class action lawsuit had gone to trial. The three-judge appellate panel disagreed with Gonzales and found that U.S. District Judge John A. Houston did not abuse his discretion by approving the Boiron homeopathic remedy class action settlement back in 2012.)
Cita orixinal: These 'Uses’ have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. ... C, K, CK e X are homeopathic dilutions.
Pursuant to the Court’s April 25, 2012 Order Granting Preliminary Approval (“PA Order”, Dkt. 89), Plaintiffs Salvatore Gallucci, Amy Aronica, Kim Jones, Doris Petty, and Jeanne Prinzivalli respectfully submit this Memorandum in support of their Motion for Final Approval of the proposed classwide Settlement with Defendants Boiron, Inc. and Boiron USA, Inc.