Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Pan" in Galician language version.
After the confirmation of NCGS diagnosis, according to the previously mentioned work-up, patients are advized to start with a GFD [49]. (...) NCGS patients can experience more symptoms than CD patients following a short gluten challenge [77]. (NCGS=non-celiac gluten sensitivity; CD=coeliac disease; GFD=gluten-free diet)
The only treatment for CD, dermatitis herpetiformis (DH) and gluten ataxia is lifelong adherence to a GFD.
The spectrum of clinical presentations is wide, and currently extraintestinal manifestations (eg, anemia or short stature) are more common than the classic malabsorption symptoms. A high degree of awareness among health care professionals and a liberal use of serologic CD tests can help to identify many of the nonclassic cases.41 Therefore, the primary care pediatrician has a central role in this process of case finding. (...) It is important to note that poor awareness of CD among health professionals tends to self-perpetuate for several reasons (...) Tradución: O espectro de presentacións clínicas é amplo, e actualmente as manifestacións extraintestinales (por exemplo, anemia ou talla baixa) son máis comúns que os síntomas clásicos de malabsorción. Un alto grao de coñecemento entre os profesionais da saúde e un uso liberal das probas serológicas de enfermidade celíaca poden axudar a identificar moitos dos casos non clásicos. Por tanto, o pediatra de atención primaria ten un papel central neste proceso de procura de casos. (...) É importante ter en conta que o escaso coñecemento sobre a enfermidade celíaca entre os profesionais da saúde tende a perpetuarse por varias razóns
The abnormal immunological response elicited by gluten-derived proteins can lead to the production of several different autoantibodies, which affect different systems.
After the confirmation of NCGS diagnosis, according to the previously mentioned work-up, patients are advized to start with a GFD [49]. (...) NCGS patients can experience more symptoms than CD patients following a short gluten challenge [77]. (NCGS=non-celiac gluten sensitivity; CD=coeliac disease; GFD=gluten-free diet)
The only treatment for CD, dermatitis herpetiformis (DH) and gluten ataxia is lifelong adherence to a GFD.
For both wheat allergy and coeliac disease the dietary avoidance of wheat and other gluten-containing cereals is the only effective treatment.
The spectrum of clinical presentations is wide, and currently extraintestinal manifestations (eg, anemia or short stature) are more common than the classic malabsorption symptoms. A high degree of awareness among health care professionals and a liberal use of serologic CD tests can help to identify many of the nonclassic cases.41 Therefore, the primary care pediatrician has a central role in this process of case finding. (...) It is important to note that poor awareness of CD among health professionals tends to self-perpetuate for several reasons (...) Tradución: O espectro de presentacións clínicas é amplo, e actualmente as manifestacións extraintestinales (por exemplo, anemia ou talla baixa) son máis comúns que os síntomas clásicos de malabsorción. Un alto grao de coñecemento entre os profesionais da saúde e un uso liberal das probas serológicas de enfermidade celíaca poden axudar a identificar moitos dos casos non clásicos. Por tanto, o pediatra de atención primaria ten un papel central neste proceso de procura de casos. (...) É importante ter en conta que o escaso coñecemento sobre a enfermidade celíaca entre os profesionais da saúde tende a perpetuarse por varias razóns
The abnormal immunological response elicited by gluten-derived proteins can lead to the production of several different autoantibodies, which affect different systems.