Equivalentes aos castellum, castrum ou burgus romanos. A identificación dos katoikia con establecementos militares non é algo evidente: ... not every katoikia was necessarily a military settlement. It has become almost generally accepted that katoikia was a settlement in an intermediate stage between the polis and the kome, namely a community having all the traditional municipal institutions but not enjoying the privileges of a polis (Bezalel Bar-Kochva, The Seleucid Army: Organization and Tactics in the Great Campaigns, pg. 23). Tamén se identifica katoikia con politeuma (Tarn interpreted the terms as being sometimes equivalent to the Ptolemaic politeuma, i. e., quasi-autonomous corporations of non-Greeks nationalities in Greek cities, but this cannot apply to most of the katoikiai under consideration, wich vere obviously self-contained settlements and not just quarters of a city -op. cit.-). O verbo katoikein significa «habitar» (op. cit.)
Equivalentes aos castellum, castrum ou burgus romanos. A identificación dos katoikia con establecementos militares non é algo evidente: ... not every katoikia was necessarily a military settlement. It has become almost generally accepted that katoikia was a settlement in an intermediate stage between the polis and the kome, namely a community having all the traditional municipal institutions but not enjoying the privileges of a polis (Bezalel Bar-Kochva, The Seleucid Army: Organization and Tactics in the Great Campaigns, pg. 23). Tamén se identifica katoikia con politeuma (Tarn interpreted the terms as being sometimes equivalent to the Ptolemaic politeuma, i. e., quasi-autonomous corporations of non-Greeks nationalities in Greek cities, but this cannot apply to most of the katoikiai under consideration, wich vere obviously self-contained settlements and not just quarters of a city -op. cit.-). O verbo katoikein significa «habitar» (op. cit.)
Historia da cidadanía. Pocock, J. G. A. (1998). The Citizenship Debates. Chapter 2—The Ideal of Citizenship since Classical Times (originally published in Queen's Quarterly 99, no. 1). Minneapolis, MN: The University of Minnesota. p. 31. ISBN 0-8166-2880-7. Fonte citada en en:History of citizenship
... unha contracción do mercado que, como sinala Rostovtzeff, débese en Grecia ás guerras continuas; en Oriente, a que a industria local despraza as importacións gregas, e ao desenvolvemento económico de Italia, que xa non necesitaba de produtos da agricultura ou a industria de Grecia
Historia da cidadanía. Pocock, J. G. A. (1998). The Citizenship Debates. Chapter 2—The Ideal of Citizenship since Classical Times (originally published in Queen's Quarterly 99, no. 1). Minneapolis, MN: The University of Minnesota. p. 31. ISBN 0-8166-2880-7. Fonte citada en en:History of citizenship
T.H. Nielsen, «Phrourion. A note on the term in classical sources and in Diodorus Siculus» contributo in T.H. Nielsen (a cura di), Even more studies in the ancient Greek polis, 2002 (pp. 49-64). Fonte citada en it:Phourion