"Family: Pteridaceae E. D. M. Kirchn.". Germplasm Resources Information Network (United States Department of Agriculture ed.). 2001-08-14. Arquivado dende o orixinal o 27 de maio de 2012. Consultado o 2011-11-04.
Preface to “Linear sequence, classification, synonymy, and bibliography of vascular plants: Lycophytes, ferns, gymnosperms and angiosperms” pdf
Corrections to Phytotaxa 19: Linear sequence of lycophytes and ferns pdf
"Family: Pteridaceae E. D. M. Kirchn.". Germplasm Resources Information Network (United States Department of Agriculture ed.). 2001-08-14. Arquivado dende o orixinal o 27 de maio de 2012. Consultado o 2011-11-04.