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Franck Zal, François H. Lallier, Joseph S. Wall, Serge N. Vinogradov, e André Toulmond. The Multi-hemoglobin System of the Hydrothermal Vent Tube Worm Riftia pachyptila. The Journal of Biological Chemistry. Vol. 271, No. 15, Issue of April 12, pp. 8869–8874, 1996. [1]
Austin CC, Perkins SL (2006). "Parasites in a biodiversity hotspot: a survey of hematozoa and a molecular phylogenetic analysis of Plasmodium in New Guinea skinks". J. Parasitol.92 (4): 770–7. PMID16995395. doi:10.1645/GE-693R.1.
Elert, Glenn and his students (2012). "Volume of Blood in a Human". The Physics Factbook. Arquivado dende o orixinal o 29-12-2014. Consultado o 30-12-2014.