Bromley, Benjamin C.; Melia, Fulvio; Liu, Siming (1 de xullo de 2001). "Polarimetric Imaging of the Massive Black Hole at the Galactic Center". The Astrophysical Journal Letters555 (2): L83–L86. Bibcode:2001ApJ...555L..83B. arXiv:astro-ph/0106180. doi:10.1086/322862.
Bromley, Benjamin C.; Melia, Fulvio; Liu, Siming (1 de xullo de 2001). "Polarimetric Imaging of the Massive Black Hole at the Galactic Center". The Astrophysical Journal Letters555 (2): L83–L86. Bibcode:2001ApJ...555L..83B. arXiv:astro-ph/0106180. doi:10.1086/322862.
Bromley, Benjamin C.; Melia, Fulvio; Liu, Siming (1 de xullo de 2001). "Polarimetric Imaging of the Massive Black Hole at the Galactic Center". The Astrophysical Journal Letters555 (2): L83–L86. Bibcode:2001ApJ...555L..83B. arXiv:astro-ph/0106180. doi:10.1086/322862.