יום סנטה לוסיה (Hebrew Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "יום סנטה לוסיה" in Hebrew language version.

Global rank Hebrew rank
6th place
48th place
low place
low place


  • Hynes, Mary Ellen; Mazar, Peter (1993). Companion to the Calendar. Liturgy Training Publications. p. 186. ISBN 978-156854011-5. נבדק ב-12 בדצמבר 2015. Lucy's name means light. Coming midway through Advent, her feast day guides our https:everettsilvertips.com hope towards the coming of Christ in our Light. Lucy was a young woman of Syracuse in Sicily (an island off the southern coast of Italy). We know she died a martyr during the persecutions by the Roman emperor Diocletian. {{cite book}}: (עזרה)


  • Hanson, Joelle (13 בדצמבר 2012). "Santa Lucia Day". ELCA. נבדק ב-12 בדצמבר 2015. Lucia means "light" and Santa Lucia became associated with light. During the Roman persecutions, Lucia is said to have carried food to the poor in dark tunnels, wearing a wreath of candles on her head. {{cite web}}: (עזרה)