ההפיכה הצבאית בצ'ילה (1973) (Hebrew Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "ההפיכה הצבאית בצ'ילה (1973)" in Hebrew language version.

Global rank Hebrew rank
1st place
6th place
1,353rd place
1,012th place
3rd place
33rd place
791st place
945th place
61st place
72nd place
89th place
125th place
916th place
782nd place
769th place
6,950th place
1,194th place
872nd place
low place
low place


  • Genaro Arriagada Herrera, ''Pinochet: The Politics of Power''. Google Books. נבדק ב-19 בנובמבר 2011. {{cite book}}: (עזרה)






  • "CIA, Operating Guidance Cable on Coup Plotting, 16 October 1970", National Security Archive, George Washington University: Quote: In a secret cable, CIA deputy director of plans, Thomas Karamessines, conveys Kissinger's orders to CIA station chief in Santiago, Henry Hecksher: "It is firm and continuing policy that Allende be overthrown by a coup." The "operating guidance" makes it clear that these operations are to be conducted so as to hide the "American hand," and that the CIA is to ignore any orders to the contrary from Ambassador Korry, who has not been informed of Track II operations.
  • CIA 2000 report, p. 12, National Security Archive, George Washington University







  • Comienzan los problemas, part of series "Icarito > Enciclopedia Virtual > Historia > Historia de Chile > Del gobierno militar a la democracia" on LaTercera.cl. Retrieved 22 September 2006.
  • (בספרדית) Se desata la crisis, part of series "Icarito > Enciclopedia Virtual > Historia > Historia de Chile > Del gobierno militar a la democracia" on LaTercera.cl. Retrieved 22 September 2006.
  • Second coup attempt: El Tanquetazo (the tank attack), originally on RebelYouth.ca. Unsigned, but with citations. Archived on Internet Archive 13 October 2004.