Enûma Eliš Cory 1876, pp. 58-60
"There was a time in which there was nothing but darkness and an abyss of waters", "The person, who was supposed to have presided over them, was a woman named Omoroca [A corruption of the Aramaic Amqia - 'the deep', or 'ocean' "
Babylonian Influence on the Bible and Popular Beliefs: A Comparative Study
By A. Smythe Palmer - 2000 - original 1897
Pg 7 "In South Babylonia this 'matter unformed and void' was known under the name of Bahu, 'the great mother, the generatress of mankind.' Bahu, the deep of chaos"
"Pg 7-8 "The earth was form'd, but in the womb as yet of waters, embryon immature involved"
אביגדור ויקטור הורוויץ, "לדיוקנו של האל המסופוטמי", מתוך: מנחם קיסטר, יוסף גייגר, נדב נאמן ושאול שקד (עורכים), אלי קדם: הפוליתיאזים בארץ ישראל ושכנותיה מן האלף השני לפנה"ס ועד התקופה המוסלמית (ירושלים: יד יצחק בן צבי, 2008), עמ' 11