Right Driver, Road markings and lines, "With double white solid lines, vehicles are not allowed to cross them in either direction, except for overtaking a parked vehicle or a cyclist, horse or road maintenance vehicle that's travelling at less than 10mph".
Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency, Passing, "Make sure you'll be able to see at least 100 metres of clear road for the whole time you're passing – if not, don’t pass".
Gebiedsontsluitingsweg, Regional roads (called "gebiedsontsluitingswegen", or GOW), article on Wegenwiki, a Dutch website about roads.
Rijrichtingscheiding, Separation of directions of traffic, article on Wegenwiki.
בישראל, נסיעה בשולי הכביש מותרת לרכב שאינו מנועי, לרכב איטי ולטרקטור, לפי תקנה 38(ב) לתקנות התעבורה, תשכ״א–1961.
Sustainable & Safe, A Vision and Guidance for Zero Road Deaths, WRI World Recources Institute, GRSF Global Road Safety Facility, in collaboration with Bloomberg Philanthropies