פאנל סולארי (Hebrew Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "פאנל סולארי" in Hebrew language version.

Global rank Hebrew rank
2,308th place
15th place
561st place
675th place
993rd place
215th place
low place
9,366th place
low place
low place


  • Ulanoff, Lance (2 באוקטובר 2015). "Elon Musk and SolarCity unveil 'world's most efficient' solar panel". Mashable. נבדק ב-9 בספטמבר 2018. {{cite web}}: (עזרה)


  • da Silva, Wilson (17 במאי 2016). "Milestone in solar cell efficiency achieved". ScienceDaily. נבדק ב-9 בספטמבר 2018. A new solar cell configuration developed by engineers at the University of New South Wales has pushed sunlight-to-electricity conversion efficiency to 34.5% -- establishing a new world record for unfocused sunlight and nudging closer to the theoretical limits for such a device. {{cite web}}: (עזרה)


