Valerián Ádám, Zsolt Bánfai, Anita Maász, Katalin Sümegi, Attila Miseta, Béla Melegh;Valerián Ádám, Zsolt Bánfai, Anita Maász, Katalin Sümegi, Attila Miseta, Béla Melegh; „Investigating the genetic characteristics of the Csangos, a traditionally Hungarian speaking ethnic group residing in Romania”, Journal of Human Genetics,, The Japan Society of Human Genetics 2020, עמ'. 2
Valerián Ádám, Zsolt Bánfai, Anita Maász, Katalin Sümegi, Attila Miseta, Béla Melegh; „Investigating the genetic characteristics of the Csangos, a traditionally Hungarian speaking ethnic group residing in Romania”, Journal of Human Genetics,, The Japan Society of Human Genetics 2020, עמ' 1
Siarl Ferdinand - Situation of the Csángó Dialect of Moldavia in Romania, Hungarian Cultural Studies, e-Journal of the American Hungarian Educators Association,University Library System of Pittsburgh University, Volume 9, 2016, ISSN1936-8879, pp. 78