קירפאן (Hebrew Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "קירפאן" in Hebrew language version.

Global rank Hebrew rank
1st place
6th place
8th place
39th place
low place
low place
low place
low place
low place
low place
low place
low place
low place
low place
3rd place
33rd place
40th place
54th place








  • "Nishan Sahib Khanda Sikh Symbols Sikh Museum History Heritage Sikhs". Sikh Museum (www.sikhmuseum.com). נבדק ב-2023-03-19. In earlier times the sacred kirpan carried by Sikhs had traditionally been the full size tulwar sword. By the 20th century the kirpan carried by Sikhs had evolved from the typical 76 cm (30 inch) blade of a tulwar sword to a short blade less than 45 cm (18 inches). The change in blade length of the sacred kirpan from a sword to a knife was a difficult one for Sikhs and a direct result of onerous laws passed by the British in India. Under the Indian Arms Act (XI) of 1878, no person could carry arms except under special exemption or by virtue of a licence; the act was applied to the Sikh kirpan. At the advent of World War I, the British government fearing that the ban would affect Sikh recruitment into the British Army, thought it advisable to relax the enforcement of the provision.


  • "The Sikh War Code, its Spiritual Inspiration and Impact on History". 2 באוגוסט 2011. נבדק ב-4 באוקטובר 2020. {{cite web}}: (עזרה)

