Adolf von Baeyer: Winner of the Nobel Prize for Chemistry 1905 Armin de Meijere Angewandte Chemie International Edition Volume 44, Issue 48, Pages 7836 – 7840 2005AbstractArchived 2012-12-10 at आर्काइव डॉट टुडे
Adolf Baeyer, Viggo Drewsen (1882). "Darstellung von Indigblau aus Orthonitrobenzaldehyd (p)". Berichte der deutschen chemischen Gesellschaft. 15 (2): 2856–2864. डीओआइ:10.1002/cber.188201502274.
Adolf von Baeyer: Winner of the Nobel Prize for Chemistry 1905 Armin de Meijere Angewandte Chemie International Edition Volume 44, Issue 48, Pages 7836 – 7840 2005AbstractArchived 2012-12-10 at आर्काइव डॉट टुडे