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Gray, R. O.; Napier, M. G.; Winkler, L. I. (April 2001), "The Physical Basis of Luminosity Classification in the Late A-, F-, and Early G-Type Stars. I. Precise Spectral Types for 372 Stars", The Astronomical Journal, 121 (4): 2148–2158, डीओआइ:10.1086/319956, बिबकोड:2001AJ....121.2148G
Evans, D. S. (June 20–24, 1966), "The Revision of the General Catalogue of Radial Velocities", प्रकाशित Batten, Alan Henry; Heard, John Frederick (संपा॰), Determination of Radial Velocities and their Applications, Proceedings from IAU Symposium no. 30, University of Toronto: International Astronomical Union, बिबकोड:1967IAUS...30...57E
Lang, Kenneth R. (2006), Astrophysical formulae, Astronomy and astrophysics library, 1 (3rd संस्करण), Birkhäuser, आई॰ऍस॰बी॰ऍन॰3-540-29692-1, मूल से 20 मई 2019 को पुरालेखित, अभिगमन तिथि 13 दिसंबर 2018. The radius (R*) is given by: