इल्ली (Hindi Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "इल्ली" in Hindi language version.

Global rank Hindi rank
1st place
1st place
2nd place
5th place
4th place
7th place
26th place
48th place
5th place
8th place
3rd place
2nd place
6th place
6th place
657th place
187th place
low place
low place
3,870th place
1,608th place
low place
4,298th place
8,129th place
low place
low place
low place
167th place
234th place
1,775th place
low place
3,306th place
1,309th place
1,606th place
2,419th place
low place
low place
low place
5,183rd place








  • Berg, Clifford O., C. O. (1950). "Biology of Certain Aquatic Caterpillars (Pyralididae: Nymphula spp.) Which Feed on [[Potamogeton]]". Transactions of the American Microscopical Society. Transactions of the American Microscopical Society, Vol. 69, No. 3. 69 (3): 254–266. आइ॰एस॰एस॰एन॰ 0003-0023. डीओआइ:10.2307/3223096. मूल से 2 मई 2016 को पुरालेखित. अभिगमन तिथि 28 अगस्त 2013. URL–wikilink conflict (मदद)
  • Yack, JE; Smith, ML; Weatherhead, PJ (2001). "Caterpillar talk: Acoustically mediated territoriality in larval Lepidoptera" (Free full text). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 98 (20): 11371–11375. PMID 11562462. डीओआइ:10.1073/pnas.191378898. पी॰एम॰सी॰ 58736. |author= और |last1= के एक से अधिक मान दिए गए हैं (मदद)
  • Fletcher LE, Yack JE, Fitzgerald TD, Hoy RR . (2006. Vibrational communication in the cherry leaf roller caterpillar Caloptilia serotinella (Gracillarioidea : Gracillariidae)). "Vibrational Communication in the Cherry Leaf Roller Caterpillar Caloptilia serotinella (Gracillarioidea: Gracillariidae)". Journal of Insect Behavior. 19 (1): 1–18. डीओआइ:10.1007/s10905-005-9007-y. |year= में तिथि प्राचल का मान जाँचें (मदद)सीएस1 रखरखाव: एक से अधिक नाम: authors list (link)
  • Greene, E (1989). "A Diet-Induced Developmental Polymorphism in a Caterpillar". Science. 243 (4891): 643–646. PMID 17834231. डीओआइ:10.1126/science.243.4891.643.
  • Entry, Grant L. G., Lee A. Dyer. (2002). "On the Conditional Nature Of Neotropical Caterpillar Defenses against their Natural Enemies". Ecology. 83 (11): 3108–3119. डीओआइ:10.1890/0012-9658(2002)083[3108:OTCNON]2.0.CO;2.सीएस1 रखरखाव: एक से अधिक नाम: authors list (link)
  • Chamberlin, M.E. and M.E. King (1998). "Changes in midgut active ion transport and metabolism during the fifth instar of the tobacco hornworm (Manduca sexta)". J. Exp. Zool. 280: 135–141. डीओआइ:10.1002/(SICI)1097-010X(19980201)280:2<135::AID-JEZ4>3.0.CO;2-P.
  • Rubinoff, D; Haines, WP (2005). "Web-spinning caterpillar stalks snails". Science. 309 (5734): 575. PMID 16040699. डीओआइ:10.1126/science.1110397. |author= और |last1= के एक से अधिक मान दिए गए हैं (मदद)
  • Lance, D. R.; Elkinton, J. S.; Schwalbe, C. P. (1987). "Behaviour of late-instar gypsy moth larvae in high and low density populations". Ecological Entomology. 12: 267. डीओआइ:10.1111/j.1365-2311.1987.tb01005.x.
  • Redd, JT; Voorhees, RE; Török, TJ (2007). "Outbreak of lepidopterism at a Boy Scout camp". Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology. 56 (6): 952–955. PMID 17368636. डीओआइ:10.1016/j.jaad.2006.06.002. |author= और |last1= के एक से अधिक मान दिए गए हैं (मदद)
  • Kowacs, PA; Cardoso, J; Entres, M; Novak, EM; Werneck, LC (2006). "Fatal intracerebral hemorrhage secondary to Lonomia obliqua caterpillar envenoming: case report" (Free full text). Arquivos de neuro-psiquiatria. 64 (4): 1030–2. PMID 17221019. डीओआइ:10.1590/S0004-282X2006000600029. मूल से 28 जुलाई 2013 को पुरालेखित. अभिगमन तिथि 28 अगस्त 2013. नामालूम प्राचल |month= की उपेक्षा की गयी (मदद)




  • Berg, Clifford O., C. O. (1950). "Biology of Certain Aquatic Caterpillars (Pyralididae: Nymphula spp.) Which Feed on [[Potamogeton]]". Transactions of the American Microscopical Society. Transactions of the American Microscopical Society, Vol. 69, No. 3. 69 (3): 254–266. आइ॰एस॰एस॰एन॰ 0003-0023. डीओआइ:10.2307/3223096. मूल से 2 मई 2016 को पुरालेखित. अभिगमन तिथि 28 अगस्त 2013. URL–wikilink conflict (मदद)
  • Entry, Grant L. G., Lee A. Dyer. (2002). "On the Conditional Nature Of Neotropical Caterpillar Defenses against their Natural Enemies". Ecology. 83 (11): 3108–3119. डीओआइ:10.1890/0012-9658(2002)083[3108:OTCNON]2.0.CO;2.सीएस1 रखरखाव: एक से अधिक नाम: authors list (link)











  • "कैटरपिलर" Archived 2011-09-09 at the वेबैक मशीन. Dictionary.com. अमेरिकन हेरिटेज डिक्शनरी ऑफ़ द इंग्लिश लेंग्वेज, चौथा संस्करण. ह्यूटन मिफ्लिन कंपनी, 2004. (प्राप्त: 26 मार्च 2008).







  • Berg, Clifford O., C. O. (1950). "Biology of Certain Aquatic Caterpillars (Pyralididae: Nymphula spp.) Which Feed on [[Potamogeton]]". Transactions of the American Microscopical Society. Transactions of the American Microscopical Society, Vol. 69, No. 3. 69 (3): 254–266. आइ॰एस॰एस॰एन॰ 0003-0023. डीओआइ:10.2307/3223096. मूल से 2 मई 2016 को पुरालेखित. अभिगमन तिथि 28 अगस्त 2013. URL–wikilink conflict (मदद)
  • Corrine R Balit, Helen C Ptolemy, Merilyn J Geary, Richard C Russell and Geoffrey K Isbister, CR (2001). "Outbreak of caterpillar dermatitis caused by airborne hairs of the mistletoe browntail moth (Euproctis edwardsi)" (Free full text). The Medical journal of Australia. 175 (11–12): 641–3. PMID 11837874. आइ॰एस॰एस॰एन॰ 0025-729X. मूल से 4 अप्रैल 2011 को पुरालेखित. अभिगमन तिथि 28 अगस्त 2013. |firstlast2= missing |lastlast2= in first2 (मदद); |firstlast3= missing |lastlast3= in first3 (मदद); |firstlast4= missing |lastlast4= in first4 (मदद); |firstlast5= missing |lastlast5= in first5 (मदद)सीएस1 रखरखाव: एक से अधिक नाम: authors list (link)