जय मसीह की (Hindi Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "जय मसीह की" in Hindi language version.

Global rank Hindi rank
1st place
1st place
low place
low place


  • P., Janelle (23 July 2015). "'I think Aasiya is more at risk than ever before' - Dose of Reality Day after Pakistani Court Ruling" (English में). Open Doors. मूल से 4 जुलाई 2022 को पुरालेखित. अभिगमन तिथि 9 July 2020. In response to the latest developments, a woman at a Christian center in Pakistan said: “Our God is bigger than any of these fears. In Jesus’ name we will see victory for the Church and the enemy’s plan will be thwarted.” The women who sat with her responded in unison: “Jai Masih Ki,” which literally means “Hail King Jesus/Glory to Jesus.”सीएस1 रखरखाव: नामालूम भाषा (link)


  • P., Janelle (23 July 2015). "'I think Aasiya is more at risk than ever before' - Dose of Reality Day after Pakistani Court Ruling" (English में). Open Doors. मूल से 4 जुलाई 2022 को पुरालेखित. अभिगमन तिथि 9 July 2020. In response to the latest developments, a woman at a Christian center in Pakistan said: “Our God is bigger than any of these fears. In Jesus’ name we will see victory for the Church and the enemy’s plan will be thwarted.” The women who sat with her responded in unison: “Jai Masih Ki,” which literally means “Hail King Jesus/Glory to Jesus.”सीएस1 रखरखाव: नामालूम भाषा (link)