3.Col. James Tod lived and worked in Merwada-Ajmer region. In his memory the village, where he camped for sometime was named after him in 1819 AD by Maharana Bheem Singh of Udaipur as "TODGARH". About 120 KMs from Ajmer and 144 Kms from Udaipur (7 KM off NH 8)is situated this sleepy tranquil small town, where "Pragya-Shikar-Charitable Trust" [1]Archived 2014-07-24 at the वेबैक मशीन, Mumbai,has established a small school, a Guest-House, a Museum (depicting the historical photos relating to Col. Tod's association with TADGARH), some of his published volumes and a "Yoga-Hall". More details about Col. Tod and his association with BORASWADA alias TADGARH could be gathered from Mr. Bhikam Chand Kothari'Bhramar', Secretary of the "Sahitya Sansthan" C/O Pragya-Shikhar-Charitable Trust, Tadgarh (Ajmer)
3.Col. James Tod lived and worked in Merwada-Ajmer region. In his memory the village, where he camped for sometime was named after him in 1819 AD by Maharana Bheem Singh of Udaipur as "TODGARH". About 120 KMs from Ajmer and 144 Kms from Udaipur (7 KM off NH 8)is situated this sleepy tranquil small town, where "Pragya-Shikar-Charitable Trust" [1]Archived 2014-07-24 at the वेबैक मशीन, Mumbai,has established a small school, a Guest-House, a Museum (depicting the historical photos relating to Col. Tod's association with TADGARH), some of his published volumes and a "Yoga-Hall". More details about Col. Tod and his association with BORASWADA alias TADGARH could be gathered from Mr. Bhikam Chand Kothari'Bhramar', Secretary of the "Sahitya Sansthan" C/O Pragya-Shikhar-Charitable Trust, Tadgarh (Ajmer)