Serhan, Yasmeen (2019-12-18). "When Is a Protest Too Late?". The Atlantic (अंग्रेज़ी में). मूल से 21 दिसंबर 2019 को पुरालेखित. अभिगमन तिथि 2019-12-21., Quote: "Though the protesters in India share a common opposition to the new citizenship law, their reasons for rejecting the legislation vary."
Serhan, Yasmeen (2019-12-18). "When Is a Protest Too Late?". The Atlantic (अंग्रेज़ी में). मूल से 21 दिसंबर 2019 को पुरालेखित. अभिगमन तिथि 2019-12-21., Quote: "Though the protesters in India share a common opposition to the new citizenship law, their reasons for rejecting the legislation vary."