पीलिया या येलो फ़ीवर का प्रथम जानकारी १७४४ में वर्जीनिया के एक भूगोलवेत्ता जॉन मिशेल द्वारा लिखे एक पांडुलिपि में मिलती है। देखें:
(डॉ॰ जॉन मिशेल) (लिखित: 1744 ; पुनर्मुद्रित: 1814) "Account of the Yellow fever which prevailed in Virginia in the years 1737, 1741, and 1742, in a letter to the late Cadwallader Colden, Esq. of New York, from the late John Mitchell, M.D.F.R.S. of Virginia,"Archived 2017-02-23 at the वेबैक मशीनAmerican Medical and Philosophical Register … , 4 : 181-215. शब्द "yellow fever" पृष्ठ. 186., पृ. 188, पर मिलता है। मिशेल लिखते हैं "… the distemper was what is generally called the yellow fever in America." However, on pages 191–192, he states "… I shall consider the cause of the yellowness which is so remarkable in this distemper, as to have given it the name of the Yellow Fever."
Dr. Mitchell misdiagnosed the disease that he observed and treated, and the disease was probably Weil's disease or hepatitis. See: Saul Jarcho (1957) "John Mitchell, Benjamin Rush, and Yellow fever". Bulletin of the History of Medicine, 31 (2) : 132–6.
पीलिया या येलो फ़ीवर का प्रथम जानकारी १७४४ में वर्जीनिया के एक भूगोलवेत्ता जॉन मिशेल द्वारा लिखे एक पांडुलिपि में मिलती है। देखें:
(डॉ॰ जॉन मिशेल) (लिखित: 1744 ; पुनर्मुद्रित: 1814) "Account of the Yellow fever which prevailed in Virginia in the years 1737, 1741, and 1742, in a letter to the late Cadwallader Colden, Esq. of New York, from the late John Mitchell, M.D.F.R.S. of Virginia,"Archived 2017-02-23 at the वेबैक मशीनAmerican Medical and Philosophical Register … , 4 : 181-215. शब्द "yellow fever" पृष्ठ. 186., पृ. 188, पर मिलता है। मिशेल लिखते हैं "… the distemper was what is generally called the yellow fever in America." However, on pages 191–192, he states "… I shall consider the cause of the yellowness which is so remarkable in this distemper, as to have given it the name of the Yellow Fever."
Dr. Mitchell misdiagnosed the disease that he observed and treated, and the disease was probably Weil's disease or hepatitis. See: Saul Jarcho (1957) "John Mitchell, Benjamin Rush, and Yellow fever". Bulletin of the History of Medicine, 31 (2) : 132–6.