Ferghana Valley: The Heart of Central Asia, S. Frederick Starr, Baktybek Beshimov, Inomjon I. (CON) Bobokulov, M.E. Sharpe, 2011, ISBN 978-0-7656-2999-9, ... With some twelve million inhabitants, the Ferghana valley is one of the most densely populated places in the world ... it drove Babur out of his native land to Afghanistan and eventually to India, where he launched the renowned Mughal dynasty, in effect exporting a political and cultural ideal from the Ferghana Valley to the Indian sub-continent ...
Environmental peacemaking, Ken Conca, Geoffrey D. Dabelko, Woodrow Wilson Center Press, 2002, ISBN 978-0-8018-7193-1, ... Within an area about 300 kilometers long and 20-70 kilometers wide, the Fergana Valley has the highest population density in Central Asia ...