राय बुलार भाटी (Hindi Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "राय बुलार भाटी" in Hindi language version.

Global rank Hindi rank
6th place
6th place
27th place
70th place
403rd place
44th place


  • Macauliffe, Max Arthur (1909). "Introduction, Chapter VI". The Sikh Religion, its gurus, sacred writings and authors. Oxford: Oxford University Press. पृ॰ lxxi. After the accession of Bahlol Khan Lodi [in Dihli], Daulat Khan, a relative of his, obtained power in the Panjab, and governed under the paramount authority of his kinsman. He lived in state at Sultanpur till defeated and deprived of his possessions by the Emperor Babar. The Panjab appears to have been already parcelled out to Musalman chiefs who were retainers of the sovereigns of Dihli. One of these chiefs, called Rai Bhoi, a Musalman Rajput of the Bhatti tribe, had been Zamindar or proprietor of Talwandi. After his death his heritage descended to his son Rai Bular, who governed the town at the birth and during the youth of Nanak. / Talwandi is said to have been originally built by a Hindu king called Raja Vairat. It was sacked and destroyed by fire and crowbar, like most Hindu towns and cities, during the Musalman invasions. Rai Bular restored it and built a fort on the summit of the tumulus, in which he lived the secure and happy ruler of a small village, some limited acres of cultivated land, and a boundless wilderness. page view, reading view




  • Macauliffe, Max Arthur (1909). "Introduction, Chapter VI". The Sikh Religion, its gurus, sacred writings and authors. Oxford: Oxford University Press. पृ॰ lxxi. After the accession of Bahlol Khan Lodi [in Dihli], Daulat Khan, a relative of his, obtained power in the Panjab, and governed under the paramount authority of his kinsman. He lived in state at Sultanpur till defeated and deprived of his possessions by the Emperor Babar. The Panjab appears to have been already parcelled out to Musalman chiefs who were retainers of the sovereigns of Dihli. One of these chiefs, called Rai Bhoi, a Musalman Rajput of the Bhatti tribe, had been Zamindar or proprietor of Talwandi. After his death his heritage descended to his son Rai Bular, who governed the town at the birth and during the youth of Nanak. / Talwandi is said to have been originally built by a Hindu king called Raja Vairat. It was sacked and destroyed by fire and crowbar, like most Hindu towns and cities, during the Musalman invasions. Rai Bular restored it and built a fort on the summit of the tumulus, in which he lived the secure and happy ruler of a small village, some limited acres of cultivated land, and a boundless wilderness. page view, reading view