Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "रैंकोजी मन्दिर" in Hindi language version.
MEA has informed Delhi-based Mission Netaji that the alleged ashes and remains of the freedom fighter are still in Tokyo's Renkoji temple....In a letter dated March two this year, Additional Secretary Ajai Choudhary of the external affairs ministry informed Mission Netaji that as far as the ministry was aware the alleged ashes and remains are still at the Renkoji temple
From the evidence discussed above, I am convinced beyond all reasonable doubts that the wooden casket lodged in the Renkoji Temple at Tokyo contains Bose's ashes and these ashes were placed in the box at Taipei after the cremation of his dead body
Anita Bose Pfaff, said on Saturday that she was fairly convinced that her father had died in the unfortunate plane crash. “The most likely cause of Netaji’s death was the plane crash. That is more or less a consistent story beyond just mere speculation. Yes, I am fairly convinced that he died in the plane crash.”
में तिथि प्राचल का मान जाँचें (मदद)Anita Bose Pfaff, said on Saturday that she was fairly convinced that her father had died in the unfortunate plane crash. “The most likely cause of Netaji’s death was the plane crash. That is more or less a consistent story beyond just mere speculation. Yes, I am fairly convinced that he died in the plane crash.”
में तिथि प्राचल का मान जाँचें (मदद)The government of India did try to bring back the ashes from Tokyo but I have a feeling that whichever political party was in power did not try enough to bring it back. There are many people in India who would have wanted Netaji’s ashes to be brought back to his own country
में तिथि प्राचल का मान जाँचें (मदद)इलाहाबाद हाई कोर्ट की लखनऊ बेंच ने नेताजी सुभाष चंद्र बोस और फैजाबाद के गुमनामी बाबा के रहस्य को सुलझाने का आदेश दिया है। कोर्ट ने गुरुवार को आदेश दिया कि फैजाबाद के गुमनामी बाबा की असल पहचान तलाशी जाए।सन्दर्भ त्रुटि:
अमान्य टैग है; "nbt1" नाम कई बार विभिन्न सामग्रियों में परिभाषित हो चुका हैकोर्ट ने इस बात पर हैरानी जताई कि सरकार ने तोक्यो के रेंकोजी मंदिर में रखी राख का डीएनए टेस्ट क्यों नहीं कराया। इस टेस्ट से यह पता लगाया जा सकता था कि वह राख नेताजी की है या नहीं। इसके बाद बेंच ने केंद्र सरकार द्वारा जस्टिस एम.के. मुखर्जी कमिशन की रिपोर्ट को रिजेक्ट करने पर भी सवाल उठाए। इस रिपोर्ट में कहा गया था कि नेता जी की मौत प्लेन क्रैश में नहीं हुई और न ही तोक्यो के मंदिर में रखी राख उनकी है।
India government to approach the Russian government to get details of the files related to Netaji which were with KGB. Even she mentioned that Jospeh Stalinas daughter Svetlana even during her visit to India had given important information on Netaji and had hinted at Netajias presence in Russia after 1945. So she demanded that the documents submitted to Indian government by Svetlana be made public.
The official version released by the Japanese authorities — and still endorsed by the Indian government — details Bose boarding a Japanese bomber at Taihoku Airport along with several trunks of gold to finance his next government in exile. Shortly after take-off, it states, the aircraft developed engine problems and crashed. Bose suffered serious burns and died that evening. After a cremation in Taiwan, his ashes were flown to Tokyo where they have remained since being interred on Sept. 18, 1945, at Renkoji Temple.
में तिथि प्राचल का मान जाँचें (मदद)केंद्र सरकार के साथ-साथ अब राज्य सरकार से भी नेताजी सुभाष चंद्र बोस से संबंधित गुप्त फाइलों को सार्वजनिक करने की मांग की गयी है। नेताजी के रिश्तेदारों व नेताजी के अंतर्ध्यान रहस्य पर किताब लिखने वाले अनुज धर ने यह मांग की है।... नेताजी के रिश्तेदार चंद्र कुमार बोस ने कहा कि उनकी आरटीआई याचिका पर प्रधानमंत्री कार्यालय से जवाब मिला कि उनके पास 33 क्लासिफाइड फाइलें हैं, जिन्हें सार्वजनिक नहीं किया जा सकता.
(मदद)Academics have argued that Bose disagreed with the arguments of racial superiority espoused by Japan and the Nazis. Most paint Bose as a pragmatist who considered an enemy's enemy a friend. He was a very clever man and a good bloke. I had a lot of time for him,"Hugh Toye, the former British intelligence officer whose job it was to track down Bose, told the Guardian. "If we had caught him he would have been sentenced to death though. I still think he died in the plane crash.
Academics have argued that Bose disagreed with the arguments of racial superiority espoused by Japan and the Nazis. Most paint Bose as a pragmatist who considered an enemy's enemy a friend. He was a very clever man and a good bloke. I had a lot of time for him,"Hugh Toye, the former British intelligence officer whose job it was to track down Bose, told the Guardian. "If we had caught him he would have been sentenced to death though. I still think he died in the plane crash.
On 18 Aug 1945 the weather over the Formosa Strait was extremely bad, so that the plane made a difficult voyage of several hours before it reached the Taihoku airfield at 13.00. After refueling it took off at 14.00. When it rose about 10 meters above ground the propeller of the left side left side engine fell apart. The plane shaking violently right and left, listed to the left and crashed against the ground at the end of the airfield. Fire broke out instantly at both front and rear of the plane. Bose drenched in gasoline and covered with flames emerged from a hole on the left side and towards the front of the fuseleg.... Ten minutes after the accident he was taken to the Army Hosptal in Taihoku and received treatment at 15.00. His death came at 21.00. His aide H.R. was also burned on neck, right cheak, both arms and right leg. Lt. Gen. SHIDEI met an instantaneous death inside the plane (two others died likewise).
MEA has informed Delhi-based Mission Netaji that the alleged ashes and remains of the freedom fighter are still in Tokyo's Renkoji temple....In a letter dated March two this year, Additional Secretary Ajai Choudhary of the external affairs ministry informed Mission Netaji that as far as the ministry was aware the alleged ashes and remains are still at the Renkoji temple
Anita Bose Pfaff, said on Saturday that she was fairly convinced that her father had died in the unfortunate plane crash. “The most likely cause of Netaji’s death was the plane crash. That is more or less a consistent story beyond just mere speculation. Yes, I am fairly convinced that he died in the plane crash.”
में तिथि प्राचल का मान जाँचें (मदद)Academics have argued that Bose disagreed with the arguments of racial superiority espoused by Japan and the Nazis. Most paint Bose as a pragmatist who considered an enemy's enemy a friend. He was a very clever man and a good bloke. I had a lot of time for him,"Hugh Toye, the former British intelligence officer whose job it was to track down Bose, told the Guardian. "If we had caught him he would have been sentenced to death though. I still think he died in the plane crash.
India government to approach the Russian government to get details of the files related to Netaji which were with KGB. Even she mentioned that Jospeh Stalinas daughter Svetlana even during her visit to India had given important information on Netaji and had hinted at Netajias presence in Russia after 1945. So she demanded that the documents submitted to Indian government by Svetlana be made public.
केंद्र सरकार के साथ-साथ अब राज्य सरकार से भी नेताजी सुभाष चंद्र बोस से संबंधित गुप्त फाइलों को सार्वजनिक करने की मांग की गयी है। नेताजी के रिश्तेदारों व नेताजी के अंतर्ध्यान रहस्य पर किताब लिखने वाले अनुज धर ने यह मांग की है।... नेताजी के रिश्तेदार चंद्र कुमार बोस ने कहा कि उनकी आरटीआई याचिका पर प्रधानमंत्री कार्यालय से जवाब मिला कि उनके पास 33 क्लासिफाइड फाइलें हैं, जिन्हें सार्वजनिक नहीं किया जा सकता.
The official version released by the Japanese authorities — and still endorsed by the Indian government — details Bose boarding a Japanese bomber at Taihoku Airport along with several trunks of gold to finance his next government in exile. Shortly after take-off, it states, the aircraft developed engine problems and crashed. Bose suffered serious burns and died that evening. After a cremation in Taiwan, his ashes were flown to Tokyo where they have remained since being interred on Sept. 18, 1945, at Renkoji Temple.
में तिथि प्राचल का मान जाँचें (मदद)From the evidence discussed above, I am convinced beyond all reasonable doubts that the wooden casket lodged in the Renkoji Temple at Tokyo contains Bose's ashes and these ashes were placed in the box at Taipei after the cremation of his dead body
23 अगस्त 1945 को टोकियो रेडियो ने बताया कि सैगोन में नेताजी एक बड़े बमवर्षक विमान से आ रहे थे कि 18 अगस्त को ताइहोकू हवाई अड्डे के पास उनका विमान दुर्घटनाग्रस्त हो गया। विमान में उनके साथ सवार जापानी जनरल शोदेई, पायलेट तथा कुछ अन्य लोग मारे गये। नेताजी गम्भीर रूप से जल गये थे। उन्हें ताइहोकू सैनिक अस्पताल ले जाया गया जहाँ उन्होंने दम तोड़ दिया। कर्नल हबीबुर्रहमान के अनुसार उनका अन्तिम संस्कार ताइहोकू में ही कर दिया गया। सितम्बर के मध्य में उनकी अस्थियाँ संचित करके टोकियो के रैंकोजी मन्दिर में रख दी गयीं।
Anita Bose Pfaff, said on Saturday that she was fairly convinced that her father had died in the unfortunate plane crash. “The most likely cause of Netaji’s death was the plane crash. That is more or less a consistent story beyond just mere speculation. Yes, I am fairly convinced that he died in the plane crash.”
में तिथि प्राचल का मान जाँचें (मदद)Academics have argued that Bose disagreed with the arguments of racial superiority espoused by Japan and the Nazis. Most paint Bose as a pragmatist who considered an enemy's enemy a friend. He was a very clever man and a good bloke. I had a lot of time for him,"Hugh Toye, the former British intelligence officer whose job it was to track down Bose, told the Guardian. "If we had caught him he would have been sentenced to death though. I still think he died in the plane crash.
The government of India did try to bring back the ashes from Tokyo but I have a feeling that whichever political party was in power did not try enough to bring it back. There are many people in India who would have wanted Netaji’s ashes to be brought back to his own country
में तिथि प्राचल का मान जाँचें (मदद)On 18 Aug 1945 the weather over the Formosa Strait was extremely bad, so that the plane made a difficult voyage of several hours before it reached the Taihoku airfield at 13.00. After refueling it took off at 14.00. When it rose about 10 meters above ground the propeller of the left side left side engine fell apart. The plane shaking violently right and left, listed to the left and crashed against the ground at the end of the airfield. Fire broke out instantly at both front and rear of the plane. Bose drenched in gasoline and covered with flames emerged from a hole on the left side and towards the front of the fuseleg.... Ten minutes after the accident he was taken to the Army Hosptal in Taihoku and received treatment at 15.00. His death came at 21.00. His aide H.R. was also burned on neck, right cheak, both arms and right leg. Lt. Gen. SHIDEI met an instantaneous death inside the plane (two others died likewise).
23 अगस्त 1945 को टोकियो रेडियो ने बताया कि सैगोन में नेताजी एक बड़े बमवर्षक विमान से आ रहे थे कि 18 अगस्त को ताइहोकू हवाई अड्डे के पास उनका विमान दुर्घटनाग्रस्त हो गया। विमान में उनके साथ सवार जापानी जनरल शोदेई, पायलेट तथा कुछ अन्य लोग मारे गये। नेताजी गम्भीर रूप से जल गये थे। उन्हें ताइहोकू सैनिक अस्पताल ले जाया गया जहाँ उन्होंने दम तोड़ दिया। कर्नल हबीबुर्रहमान के अनुसार उनका अन्तिम संस्कार ताइहोकू में ही कर दिया गया। सितम्बर के मध्य में उनकी अस्थियाँ संचित करके टोकियो के रैंकोजी मन्दिर में रख दी गयीं।