Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "शालिवाहन शक" in Hindi language version.
We have seen that Saka Kala or Sakanripa Kala is the Cyrus Era which started in 550 B.C. ( 2552 Kali Era ) and was in vogue in Northern India .
The initial year of the Shaka Era should be 550 B.C.
वराहमिहिर और आमराज का शक संवत् ५५० ई. पू. से या ५१८ विक्रम पूर्व से प्रारम्भ होने वाला प्रथम शक संवत है।
The śakakāla mentioned by Varahamihira in the stanza beginning with aasan maghasu , is the sakendra kaala of the Persian Emperor Cyrus the Great , which began in 550 B. C.
I believe 78 A.D. is not the only Saka Era . There is another Saka Era beginning in 550 B.C.