सक्रीय गैलेक्सीय नाभिक (Hindi Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "सक्रीय गैलेक्सीय नाभिक" in Hindi language version.

Global rank Hindi rank
2nd place
5th place
18th place
56th place
6th place
6th place


  • Seyfert, C. K. (1943). "Nuclear Emission in Spiral Nebulae". The Astrophysical Journal. 97: 28. डीओआइ:10.1086/144488. बिबकोड:1943ApJ....97...28S.


  • Seyfert, C. K. (1943). "Nuclear Emission in Spiral Nebulae". The Astrophysical Journal. 97: 28. डीओआइ:10.1086/144488. बिबकोड:1943ApJ....97...28S.
  • Humason, M. L. (1932). "The Emission Spectrum of the Extra-Galactic Nebula N. G। C. 1275". Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. 44: 267. डीओआइ:10.1086/124242. बिबकोड:1932PASP...44..267H.
  • Mayall, N. U. (1934). "The Spectrum of the Spiral Nebula NGC 4151". Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. 46: 134. डीओआइ:10.1086/124429. बिबकोड:1934PASP...46..134M.



  • Seyfert, C. K. (1943). "Nuclear Emission in Spiral Nebulae". The Astrophysical Journal. 97: 28. डीओआइ:10.1086/144488. बिबकोड:1943ApJ....97...28S.
  • Humason, M. L. (1932). "The Emission Spectrum of the Extra-Galactic Nebula N. G। C. 1275". Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. 44: 267. डीओआइ:10.1086/124242. बिबकोड:1932PASP...44..267H.
  • Mayall, N. U. (1934). "The Spectrum of the Spiral Nebula NGC 4151". Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific. 46: 134. डीओआइ:10.1086/124429. बिबकोड:1934PASP...46..134M.