Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "सहजीवी नवतारा" in Hindi language version.
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की आवश्यकता है (मदद)|hdl-access=
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की आवश्यकता है (मदद)Bryan, Greg L.; Kwok, Sun (1991). "Energy distributions of symbiotic novae" (PDF). द एस्ट्रोफिजिकल जर्नल. 368: 252–260. बिबकोड:1991ApJ...368..252B. doi:10.1086/169688. hdl:10722/179631.|hdl-access=
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की आवश्यकता है (मदद)Bryan, Greg L.; Kwok, Sun (1991). "Energy distributions of symbiotic novae" (PDF). द एस्ट्रोफिजिकल जर्नल. 368: 252–260. बिबकोड:1991ApJ...368..252B. doi:10.1086/169688. hdl:10722/179631.|hdl-access=
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की आवश्यकता है (मदद)|hdl-access=
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की आवश्यकता है (मदद)Bryan, Greg L.; Kwok, Sun (1991). "Energy distributions of symbiotic novae" (PDF). द एस्ट्रोफिजिकल जर्नल. 368: 252–260. बिबकोड:1991ApJ...368..252B. doi:10.1086/169688. hdl:10722/179631.|hdl-access=
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की आवश्यकता है (मदद)|hdl-access=
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की आवश्यकता है (मदद)Bryan, Greg L.; Kwok, Sun (1991). "Energy distributions of symbiotic novae" (PDF). द एस्ट्रोफिजिकल जर्नल. 368: 252–260. बिबकोड:1991ApJ...368..252B. doi:10.1086/169688. hdl:10722/179631.