साइसोम्बून प्रान्त (Hindi Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "साइसोम्बून प्रान्त" in Hindi language version.

Global rank Hindi rank
3rd place
2nd place
1st place
1st place


  • Bush, Austin; Elliot, Mark; Ray, Nick (1 December 2010). Laos 7. Lonely Planet. पपृ॰ 307–. आई॰ऍस॰बी॰ऍन॰ 978-1-74179-153-2. मूल से 26 अप्रैल 2016 को पुरालेखित. अभिगमन तिथि 21 नवंबर 2016.
  • "The Rough Guide to Laos," Edward Aves, Penguin, 2014, ISBN 9780241014547
  • "DK Eyewitness Travel Guide: Cambodia & Laos," Penguin, 2016, ISBN 9781465452047
  • "Laos: A country guide, Joe Cummings, Page 152, Lonely Planet, 1998, ISBN 9780864426178, ... The official Lao name, Patuxai, is approximately equivalent to Arch (patuu, also translated as door or gate) of Triumph (xai, from the Sanskrit jay a or victory) ...
  • "The Encyclopædia Britannica: A Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, and General Literature, Volume 21, Thomas Spencer Baynes, Page 895, M. Sommerville, 1891, ... Thus sampurn is pronounced sombun, bhâshâ‒phâsâ, nagara‒nakhon, saddharma‒sadham, kuśala‒kuson, śesha‒set, vâra‒van, Magadha‒Makhot ...


  • Bush, Austin; Elliot, Mark; Ray, Nick (1 December 2010). Laos 7. Lonely Planet. पपृ॰ 307–. आई॰ऍस॰बी॰ऍन॰ 978-1-74179-153-2. मूल से 26 अप्रैल 2016 को पुरालेखित. अभिगमन तिथि 21 नवंबर 2016.