हुसैन फ़हमी (Hindi Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "हुसैन फ़हमी" in Hindi language version.

Global rank Hindi rank
9th place
54th place
32nd place
2,149th place
256th place
low place
14th place
26th place
1,003rd place
4,160th place
1st place
1st place
low place
low place



  • खैरी, खैरेया (9–15 नवम्बर 2000). "Hussein Fahmy: Blue-Eyed Boy". एल=अहराम (507). काइरो, मिश्र. मूल से 19 अप्रैल 2014 को पुरालेखित. अभिगमन तिथि 18 मार्च 2024. Fahmi's good looks made him an instant film star. He was young, debonair and handsome, with fair hair, fair skin and blue eyes — features, might probably be related related to some far genes from Europe. He filled the void left when Omar Sharif crossed over, out of Egypt, to the international world of film stardom. He worked on one film with the tall, dark and handsome Rushdi Abaza, who died in his prime. Thereafter, he was the quintessential "jeune premier" of Egyptian cinema. Fahmi's father, an Egyptian parliamentarian from a long line of parliamentarians, had envisaged a conventional career for his son. Having won a Fulbright scholarship, Fahmi compromised. He set off for California to study film directing at UCLA. He finished four years of academic studies and extended his stay for a two-year apprenticeship. Years later, his younger brother Mustafa would also disappoint his parents by turning from photography to acting.


  • खैरी, खैरेया (9–15 नवम्बर 2000). "Hussein Fahmy: Blue-Eyed Boy". एल=अहराम (507). काइरो, मिश्र. मूल से 19 अप्रैल 2014 को पुरालेखित. अभिगमन तिथि 18 मार्च 2024. Fahmi's good looks made him an instant film star. He was young, debonair and handsome, with fair hair, fair skin and blue eyes — features, might probably be related related to some far genes from Europe. He filled the void left when Omar Sharif crossed over, out of Egypt, to the international world of film stardom. He worked on one film with the tall, dark and handsome Rushdi Abaza, who died in his prime. Thereafter, he was the quintessential "jeune premier" of Egyptian cinema. Fahmi's father, an Egyptian parliamentarian from a long line of parliamentarians, had envisaged a conventional career for his son. Having won a Fulbright scholarship, Fahmi compromised. He set off for California to study film directing at UCLA. He finished four years of academic studies and extended his stay for a two-year apprenticeship. Years later, his younger brother Mustafa would also disappoint his parents by turning from photography to acting.



  • "حسـيـن فـهـمـي ضيفا علي المذيعة إيمان الحصري بمصاحبة الفنانة المصرية يسرا في لقاء خاص لبرنامج مساء دي إم سي ويكشف عن تفاصيل خاصة لأول مرة وينفي الشائعات التي تحيط به وتتناولها الصحف بالباطل عن عائلته". 19 November 2017. मूल से 2021-12-12 को पुरालेखित.


  • "Renowned Actor Hussein Fahmy Welcomed as First Special Olympics Global Ambassador from the Middle East/North Africa region". स्पेशलओल्म्पिक्स डॉट ऑर्ग. वाशिंगटन, डीसी: स्पेशलओलम्पिक्स, जोसेफ पी॰ कैन्नेडी जूनियर फाउंडेशन. 12 मार्च 2007. मूल से 23 मार्च 2007 को पुरालेखित. अभिगमन तिथि 18 मार्च 2024. Egyptian superstar, actor Hussein Fahmy, was hailed as the first Special Olympics Global Ambassador from the Special Olympics Middle East / North Africa region. As a Global Ambassador, Fahmy will be charged with taking Special Olympics' message of inclusion for people with intellectual disabilities to the Arab nations and the world in addition to working directly with Special Olympics athletes in a variety of roles.


  • "Renowned Actor Hussein Fahmy Welcomed as First Special Olympics Global Ambassador from the Middle East/North Africa region". स्पेशलओल्म्पिक्स डॉट ऑर्ग. वाशिंगटन, डीसी: स्पेशलओलम्पिक्स, जोसेफ पी॰ कैन्नेडी जूनियर फाउंडेशन. 12 मार्च 2007. मूल से 23 मार्च 2007 को पुरालेखित. अभिगमन तिथि 18 मार्च 2024. Egyptian superstar, actor Hussein Fahmy, was hailed as the first Special Olympics Global Ambassador from the Special Olympics Middle East / North Africa region. As a Global Ambassador, Fahmy will be charged with taking Special Olympics' message of inclusion for people with intellectual disabilities to the Arab nations and the world in addition to working directly with Special Olympics athletes in a variety of roles.


  • "حسـيـن فـهـمـي ضيفا علي المذيعة إيمان الحصري بمصاحبة الفنانة المصرية يسرا في لقاء خاص لبرنامج مساء دي إم سي ويكشف عن تفاصيل خاصة لأول مرة وينفي الشائعات التي تحيط به وتتناولها الصحف بالباطل عن عائلته". 19 November 2017. मूल से 2021-12-12 को पुरालेखित.