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Vickers A, Zollman C, Payne DK. Listopad 2001. Hypnosis and relaxation therapies. West. J. Med. 175 (4): 269–72. doi:10.1136/ewjm.175.4.269. PMC1071579. PMID11577062Zanemaren tekst "Evidence from randomized controlled trials indicates that hypnosis, relaxation, and meditation techniques can reduce anxiety, particularly that related to stressful situations, such as receiving chemotherapy." (pomoć)CS1 održavanje: više imena: authors list (link)
Ernst E, Pittler MH, Wider B, Boddy K. 2007. Acupuncture: its evidence-base is changing. The American Journal of Chinese Medicine. 35 (1): 21–5. doi:10.1142/S0192415X07004588. PMID17265547CS1 održavanje: više imena: authors list (link)
Vickers A, Zollman C, Payne DK. Listopad 2001. Hypnosis and relaxation therapies. West. J. Med. 175 (4): 269–72. doi:10.1136/ewjm.175.4.269. PMC1071579. PMID11577062Zanemaren tekst "Evidence from randomized controlled trials indicates that hypnosis, relaxation, and meditation techniques can reduce anxiety, particularly that related to stressful situations, such as receiving chemotherapy." (pomoć)CS1 održavanje: više imena: authors list (link)
Eldor, J. (1997). "Urotherapy for patients with cancer". Medical Hypotheses. 48 (4): 309–315. PMID 9160284
Vickers A, Zollman C, Payne DK. Listopad 2001. Hypnosis and relaxation therapies. West. J. Med. 175 (4): 269–72. doi:10.1136/ewjm.175.4.269. PMC1071579. PMID11577062Zanemaren tekst "Evidence from randomized controlled trials indicates that hypnosis, relaxation, and meditation techniques can reduce anxiety, particularly that related to stressful situations, such as receiving chemotherapy." (pomoć)CS1 održavanje: više imena: authors list (link)