Digitalni identifikator objekta (Croatian Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Digitalni identifikator objekta" in Croatian language version.

Global rank Croatian rank
2nd place
12th place
712th place
1,620th place

  • How the 'Digital Object Identifier' works. BusinessWeek. BusinessWeek. 23. srpnja 2001. Pristupljeno 20. travnja 2010.. Assuming the publishers do their job of maintaining the databases, these centralized references, unlike current Web links, should never become outdated or broken.

  • Langston, Marc; Tyler, James. 2004. Linking to journal articles in an online teaching environment: The persistent link, DOI, and OpenURL. The Internet and Higher Education. 7 (1): 51.–58. doi:10.1016/j.iheduc.2003.11.004
  • Davidson, Lloyd A.; Douglas, Kimberly. Prosinac 1998. Digital Object Identifiers: Promise and problems for scholarly publishing. Journal of Electronic Publishing. 4. (2.). doi:10.3998/3336451.0004.203
  • Welcome to the DOI System. 28. lipnja 2010. Pristupljeno 7. kolovoza 2010.
  • DOI System Factsheet. 15. prosinca 2009. Pristupljeno 2. veljače 2010.