Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Germinativna teorija bolesti" in Croatian language version.
There is no doubt that the mortality was much diminished, as I said before, by the flight of the population, which commenced soon after the outbreak; but the attacks had so far diminished before the use of the water was stopped, that it is impossible to decide whether the well still contained the cholera poison in an active state, or whether, from some cause, the water had become free from it. (Nema sumnje da se mortalitet toliko smanjio, kao što sam prije naveo, bijegom stanovništva koji je počeo odmah po izboju; no napadaji su se zasad smanjili prije nego što je uporaba vode zaustavljena, pa je nemoguće odrediti da li zdenac još uvijek sadrži otrov kolere u aktivnom stanju ili se možda iz nekog razloga voda oslobodila od njega.)