VanderMey, Randall et al. (2011). Comp, str. 183; izvadak, "Bare assertion. The most basic way to distort an issue is to deny that it exists. This fallacy claims, 'That's just how it is.'" (engl.: Gola tvrdnja. Najosnovniji način da se iskrivi neki predmet jest poreći da on uopće postoji. Ova logička pogreška tvrdi da 'to je tako kako jest'.)
Poliziano, Angelo. (2010). Angelo Poliziano's Lamia: Text, Translation, and Introductory Studies, str. 26; izvadak, "In Cicero's De natura deorum, as well as in other sources, the phrase “Ipse dixit” pointed to the notion that Pythagoras's disciples would use that short phrase as justification for adopting a position: if the master had said it, it was enough for them and there was no need to argue further." (engl.: U Ciceronovu djelu De natura deorum, ali i u drugim vrelima, fraza ipse dixit ukazivala je na ideju da bi Pitagorini učenici rabili ovu kratku frazu kao opravdanje za prihvaćanje pozicije: ako je učitelj to rekao, njima je to bilo dovoljno i nije bilo potrebe da se dodatno o tome raspravlja.)
Bentham, Jeremy. (1838). Works of Jeremy Bentham, sv. 1, dio 2., str. 467; izvadak, "Ipse dixit is an expression that took its rise from [...] the disciples of Pythagoras." (engl.: Ipse dixit jest izraz koji popularnost duguje [...] Pitagorinim učenicima.)
Burton, George Ward. (1909). Burton's book on California and its sunlit skies of glory, str. 27; izvadak, "But by the time of Bacon, students had fallen into the habit of accepting Aristotle as an infallible guide, and when a dispute arose the appeal was not to fact, but to Aristotle's theory, and the phrase, Ipse dixit, ended all dispute." (engl.: No do Baconova vremena studenti su stekli naviku prihvaćanja Aristotela kao nepogrešiva vodiča, a kad je do rasprave došlo, nije se prizivalo na činjenice, već na Aristotelovu teoriju, a fraza ipse dixit okončavala je svaki spor.)
Bentham, Jeremy. (1834). Deontology; or, The science of morality, sv. 1, str. 323; izvadak, "ipsedixitism ... comes down to us from an antique and high authority, —-it is the principle recognised (so Cicero informs us) by the disciples of Pythagoras. Ipse (he, the master, Pythagoras), ipse dixit, -—he has said it; the master has said that it is so; therefore, say the disciples of the illustrious sage, therefore so it is." (engl.: Ipsediksitizam ... nam dolazi od stara i velika autoriteta: to je princip koji su priznavali (kako nas Ciceron obavješćuje) Pitagorini učenici. Ipse (on, učitelj, Pitagora), ipse dixit, on je rekao, učitelj je rekao da je to tako; stoga, kažu učenici ovog svijetlog mudraca, stoga je to tako.)
Bentham, Jeremy. (1838). Works of Jeremy Bentham, str. 192; izvadak, "... it is not a mere ipse dixit that will warrant us to give credit for utility to institutions, in which not the least trace of utility is discernible." (engl.: ...nije riječ o prostu ipse dixitu koji će nam jamčiti da priznamo korisnost institucijama u kojima se ne može razaznati ni najmanji trag korisnosti.)