Judith A. Reisman (Croatian Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Judith A. Reisman" in Croatian language version.

Global rank Croatian rank
4,189th place
11th place
1st place
1st place
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low place
3,442nd place
15th place
2,106th place
7,652nd place
2,261st place
3rd place
low place
low place
low place
172nd place
low place
low place
838th place
372nd place
low place
6,862nd place
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5,299th place
low place
low place
146th place
1,641st place
3,770th place
10th place
8,067th place
low place
low place
44th place





  • (engl.) Reisman, Judith A. (12. lipnja 2011.): Journey: A Personal Odyssey to the Truth, DrJudithReisman.com, preuzeto 2. veljače 2013.
  • http://www.drjudithreisman.com/archives/2010/10/pages_160-161.html "Our several thousand histories have included considerable detail on the nature of orgasm; and these data, together with the records supplied by some older subjects who have had sexual contacts with younger boys, provide material for describing the different sorts of reactions which may occur. In the pre-adolescent, orgasm is, of course, without ejaculation of semen. In the descriptions which follow, the data supplied by adult observers for 196 pre-adolescent boys are the sources of the percentage figures indicating the frequency of each type of orgasm among such young males.
  • http://www.drjudithreisman.com/archives/2011/06/journey.html "3. Extreme tension with violent convulsion: Often involving the sudden heaving and jerking of the whole body. Descriptions supplied by several subjects indicate that the legs often become rigid, with muscles knotted and toes pointed, muscles of abdomen contracted and hard, shoulders and neck stiff and often bent forward, breath held or gasping, eyes staring or tightly closed, hands grasping, mouth distorted, sometimes with tounge protruding: whole body of parts of it spasmodically twitching, sometimes synchronously with throbs or violent jerking of the penis. The individual may have some, but little, control of these involuntary reactions. A gradual, and sometimes prolonged, build-up to orgasm, which involves still more violent convulsions of the whole body; heavy breathing, groaning, sobbing, or more violent cries, sometimes with an abundance of tears (especially among younger children), the orgasm or ejaculation often extended, in some individuals involving several minutes (in one case up to five minutes) of recurrent spasm. After-effects not necessarily more marked than with other types of orgasm, and the individual is often capable of participating in a second or further experience. About one sixth (17%) of the pre-adolescent boys, a smaller percentage of adults males. 4. As in either type 1 or 2: but with hysterical laughing, talking, sadistic or masochistic reactions, rapid motions (whether in masturbation or in intercourse), culminating in more or less frenzied movements which are continued through the orgasm. A small percentage (5%) of either pre-adolescent or adult males."







  • [1] Index.hr, Umrla Judith Reisman, Amerikanka koja je u Hrvatskoj govorila protiv spolnog odgoja, pristupljeno 14. travnja 2021.
  • Kritike Judith Reisman, preuzeto 6. veljače 2012.








