Intel Corporation. 1984. Kaye, Glynnis Thompson (ur.). A Revolution in Progress - A History to Date of Intel(PDF). Intel Corporation. str. 14. Order number:231295. Inačica izvorne stranice arhivirana(PDF) 23. listopada 2012. Pristupljeno 30. prosinca 2016. "Shima implemented the 8080 in about a year and the new device was introduced in April 1974 for $360."
Motorola tuži MOS Technology(PDF). Microcomputer Digest. Microcomputer Associates. Cupertino CA. 2 (6): 11. Prosinac 1975. Inačica izvorne stranice(PDF) arhivirana 24. ožujka 2020. Pristupljeno 10. veljače 2020.
Intel Corporation. 1984. Kaye, Glynnis Thompson (ur.). A Revolution in Progress - A History to Date of Intel(PDF). Intel Corporation. str. 14. Order number:231295. Inačica izvorne stranice arhivirana(PDF) 23. listopada 2012. Pristupljeno 30. prosinca 2016. "Shima implemented the 8080 in about a year and the new device was introduced in April 1974 for $360."
It's the total product family. Electronics. McGraw Hill. New York. 48 (1): 37. 9. siječnja 1975. Motorola advertisement emphasizing their complete set of peripheral chips and development tools. This shorten the customers product design cycle.