Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Napoleonski ratovi" in Croatian language version.
The union jack was hoisted on each of three batteries on 23 November and they started a bombardment that was to last for thirteen days and nights in almost incessant rain. (…) On 6 December, when the batteries had only one round of shot left, the enemy sent out a flag of truce and capitulated to the British seamen and marines and and to 1,500 Austrians who had contributed two howitzers.[Zastava Ujedinjenog Kraljevstva podignuta je na svakom od tri topnička položaja 23. studenoga, a isti su započeli s bombardiranjem koje je trajalo trinaest dana i noći u gotovo neprestanoj kiši. (…) 6. prosinca, kada su topnički položaji imali samo jedan preostali metak, neprijatelj je poslao zastavu predaje i predao se se britanskim mornarima i marincima te Austrijancima (njih 1500) koji su doprinijeli s dvije haubice.]
Every single one of the 60 million francs went the preparations for the invasion of England.[Svaki od 60 milijuna franaka potrošen je na pripreme za invaziju na Englesku.]
The whole regular force of the empire at this time amounted to five hundred and eighteen thousand men.[Cjelokupna regularna vojska Carstva u to je vrijeme iznosila petsto osamnaest tisuća ljudi.]
The three documents transcribed here are the treaty of cession and two conventions, one for the payment of 60 million francs ($11,250,000), the other for claims American citizens had made against France for 20 million francs ($3,750,000).[Tri dokumenta koji su ovdje preneseni su ugovor o ustupanju i dvije konvencije, jedna za isplatu od 60 milijuna franaka (11 250 000 $), a druga za zahtjeve američkih građana protiv Francuske u iznosu od 20 milijuna franaka (3 750 000 $).]
French millitary planners placed such great faith in the potential of this idea that they later contemplated an invasion of England with the assistance of an aerial armada of these contraptions. They pondered the idea that 2,500 of these four-man ballons, launched prior to a sea invasion, would create chaos, if not the complete surrender of England. This new treat was such that even the British considered it a possibility. (…) In the end, however, the futuristic scheme, similar to Napoleon's invasion plnas, failed to be realized.[Francuski vojni planeri polagali su toliko veliku vjeru u potencijal ove ideje da su kasnije razmatrali invaziju Engleske uz pomoć zračne armade ovih sprava. Razmišljali su o ideji da bi 2500 ovih balona za četiri čovjeka, lansiranih prije pomorske invazije, mogli stvoriti kaos, ako ne i potpunu predaju Engleske. Ova nova prijetnja bila je toliko ozbiljna da su čak i Britanci smatrali da je moguća. (…) Na kraju, međutim, futuristički plan, sličan Napoleonovim invazijskim planovima, nije mogao biti ostvaren.]
The first successful use of a balloon as a form of military reconnaissance vehicle is at the Siege of Charleroi, which would develop into the Battle of Fleurus, on 26 June 1794. Piloted by engineer Jean-Marie-Joseph Coutelle (FRA), the aerostat – known as "L’Entreprenant" ("The Enterprising One") – was used by the French Aerostatic Corps to track the movements of the Coalition Army troops, and played a key role in the French Republic's victory.[Prva uspješna uporaba balona kao oblika vojnog izviđačkog vozila dogodila se tijekom Opsade Charleroija, koja će se razviti u Bitku kod Fleurusa, 26. lipnja 1794. Pilotoirao ga je inženjer Jean-Marie-Joseph Coutelle (Francuz), a balon – poznat kao „L'Entreprenant” („Poduzetni”) – je Francuski aerostatski korpus koristio za praćenje kretanja vojnika koalicijske vojske, te je odigrao ključnu ulogu u pobjedi Francuske Republike.]CS1 održavanje: lokacija (link)
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(pomoć)Negotiations moved swiftly, and at the end of April the U.S. envoys agreed to pay $11,250,000 and assumed claims of its citizens against France in the amount of $3,750,000.[Pregovori su brzo tekli, a krajem travnja američki izaslanici pristali su platiti 11 250 000 $ i preuzeti potraživanja svojih građana protiv Francuske u iznosu od 3 750 000 $.]
Not that Napoleon made out badly: he is supposed to have thought the territory worth 50 million francs; the US paid him 60 million francs plus 20 million francs in debt relief, funding for his plans for European empire rather than a more phantasmagorical North American empire.[Napoleon nije prošao loše: navodno je smatrao da je teritorij vrijedan 50 milijuna franaka; SAD mu je platio 60 milijuna franaka, uz dodatnih 20 milijuna franaka za olakšanje duga, financirajući tako njegove planove za europsko carstvo umjesto više fantazmagoričnog sjevernoameričkog carstva.]
The whole regular force of the empire at this time amounted to five hundred and eighteen thousand men.[Cjelokupna regularna vojska Carstva u to je vrijeme iznosila petsto osamnaest tisuća ljudi.]
The United States attempted to remain neutral during the Napoleonic period, but eventually became embroiled in the European conflicts, leading to the War of 1812 against Great Britain.[Sjedinjene Američke Države pokušale su ostati neutralne tijekom Napoleonovog razdoblja, ali su se na kraju uplele u europske sukobe, što je dovelo do Rata iz 1812. protiv Velike Britanije.]
Notice is herebly given to the officers and company of His Majesty's ship Alceste, Murray, Maxwell, Esq. Captain, that they will be paid their respective proportions of 3500 £ being an advance on account of the proceeds of the French fregate La Pomone, and store-ship Persanne…[Ovim putem obavještavamo časnike i društvo broda Njegovog Veličanstva Alcestea, kapetana Murraya, Maxwella, da će im biti isplaćen odgovarajući dio od 3500 £ kao predujam na račun prihoda francuske fregate La Pomone i skladišnog broda Persanne…]CS1 održavanje: lokacija (link)
Zara, containing 110 guns and 18 howitzers, 350 men, and 100 guns dismounted and 12 gunboats, taken by the Havannah and Weazle, with 1500 Austrians.[Zadar je sadržavao 110 topova i 18 haubica, 350 ljudi, te 100 topova na kočijama i 12 topovnjača, koje su zauzeli brodovi Havannah i Weazle, zajedno s 1500 Austrijanaca.]
…à propos de la flottille de Boulogne et du projet d’invasion de l’Angleterre par Napoléon suite à la rupture de la paix d’Amiens en 1803.[…o Flotili Boulognea i Napoleonovom planu invazije na Englesku nakon prekida Amienskog mira 1803. godine.]
Every single one of the 60 million francs went the preparations for the invasion of England.[Svaki od 60 milijuna franaka potrošen je na pripreme za invaziju na Englesku.]
The whole regular force of the empire at this time amounted to five hundred and eighteen thousand men.[Cjelokupna regularna vojska Carstva u to je vrijeme iznosila petsto osamnaest tisuća ljudi.]