Opeklina (Croatian Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Opeklina" in Croatian language version.

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195th place
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5,852nd place
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  • Peck, MD. Studeni 2011. Epidemiology of burns throughout the world. Part I: Distribution and risk factors. Burns : journal of the International Society for Burn Injuries. svezak 37 (broj 7): str. 1087.–1100. doi:10.1016/j.burns.2011.06.005. PMID 21802856
  • Goutos, I; Dziewulski, P; Richardson, PM. ožujak-travanj 2009. Pruritus in burns: review article. Journal of burn care & research : official publication of the American Burn Association. svezak 30 (broj 2): str. 221.–228. PMID 19165110 Provjerite vrijednost datuma u parametru: |date= (pomoć)
  • Lloyd, EC; Rodgers, BC; Michener, M; Williams, MS. 2012 Jan 1. Outpatient burns: prevention and care. American family physician. 85 (1): 25–32. PMID 22230304 Provjerite vrijednost datuma u parametru: |date= (pomoć)
  • Forjuoh, SN. Kolovoz 2006. Burns in low-and middle-income countries: a review of available literature on descriptive epidemiology, risk factors, treatment, and prevention. Burns : journal of the International Society for Burn Injuries. svezak 32 (broj 5): str. 529.–537. PMID 16777340
  • Maguire, S; Moynihan, S; Mann, M; Potokar, T; Kemp, AM. Prosinac 2008. A systematic review of the features that indicate intentional scalds in children. Burns : journal of the International Society for Burn Injuries. svezak 34 (broj 8): str. 1072.–1081. PMID 18538478
  • Hardwicke, J; Hunter, T; Staruch, R; Moiemen, N. Svibanj 2012. Chemical burns--an historical comparison and review of the literature. Burns : journal of the International Society for Burn Injuries. svezak 38 (broj 3): str. 383.–387. PMID 22037150
  • Makarovsky, I; Markel, G; Dushnitsky, T; Eisenkraft, A. Svibanj 2008. Hydrogen fluoride--the protoplasmic poison. The Israel Medical Association journal : IMAJ. svezak 10 (broj 5): str. 381.–385. PMID 18605366
  • Edlich, RF; Farinholt, HM; Winters, KL; Britt, LD; Long WB, 3rd. 2005. Modern concepts of treatment and prevention of lightning injuries. Journal of long-term effects of medical implants. svezak 15 (broj 2): str. 185.–196. PMID 15777170
  • Kearns RD, Cairns CB, Holmes JH, Rich PB, Cairns BA. Siječanj 2013. Thermal burn care: a review of best practices. What should prehospital providers do for these patients?. EMS World. svezak 42 (broj 1): str. 43.–51. PMID 23393776CS1 održavanje: više imena: authors list (link)
  • Balk, SJ; Council on Environmental, Health; Section on, Dermatology. Ožujak 2011. Ultraviolet radiation: a hazard to children and adolescents. Pediatrics. svezak 127 (broj 3): str. 791.-817. PMID 21357345
  • Peck, MD. Kolovoz 2012. Epidemiology of burns throughout the World. Part II: intentional burns in adults. Burns : journal of the International Society for Burn Injuries. svezak 38 (broj 5): str. 630.–637. PMID 22325849
  • Jutla, RK; Heimbach, D. ožujak-travanj 2004. Love burns: An essay about bride burning in India. The Journal of burn care & rehabilitation. svezak 25 (broj 2): str. 165.–170. PMID 15091143 Provjerite vrijednost datuma u parametru: |date= (pomoć)
  • Rojas Y, Finnerty CC, Radhakrishnan RS, Herndon DN. Prosinac 2012. Burns: an update on current pharmacotherapy. Expert Opin Pharmacother. svezak 13 (broj 17): str. 2485.–2494. doi:10.1517/14656566.2012.738195. PMC 3576016. PMID 23121414CS1 održavanje: više imena: authors list (link)
  • Cianci, P; Slade JB, Jr; Sato, RM; Faulkner, J. siječanj-veljača 2013. Adjunctive hyperbaric oxygen therapy in the treatment of thermal burns. Undersea & hyperbaric medicine : journal of the Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society, Inc. svezak 40 (broj 1): str. 89.–108. PMID 23397872 Provjerite vrijednost datuma u parametru: |date= (pomoć)
  • Enoch, S; Roshan, A; Shah, M. 8. travnja 2009. Emergency and early management of burns and scalds. BMJ (Clinical research ed.). svezak 338: str. b1037. PMID 19357185
  • Hettiaratchy, S; Papini, R. 10. srpnja 2004. Initial management of a major burn: II--assessment and resuscitation. BMJ (Clinical research ed.). svezak 329 (broj 7457): str. 101.-103. PMID 15242917
  • Endorf, FW; Ahrenholz, D. Prosinac 2011. Burn management. Current opinion in critical care. svezak 17 (broj 6): str. 601.–605. PMID 21986459
  • Perel, P; Roberts, I. 13. lipnja 2012. Perel, Pablo (ur.). Colloids versus crystalloids for fluid resuscitation in critically ill patients. Cochrane database of systematic reviews (Online). svezak 6: str. CD00056. doi:10.1002/14651858.CD000567.pub5. PMID 22696320
  • Curinga, G; Jain, A; Feldman, M; Prosciak, M; Phillips, B; Milner, S. Kolovoz 2011. Red blood cell transfusion following burn. Burns : journal of the International Society for Burn Injuries. svezak 37 (broj 5): str. 742.–752. PMID 21367529
  • Wasiak, J; Cleland, H; Campbell, F; Spinks, A. 28. ožujka 2013. Dressings for superficial and partial thickness burns. Cochrane database of systematic reviews (Online). svezak 3: str. CD002106. PMID 23543513
  • Wasiak J, Cleland H, Campbell F. 2008. Wasiak, Jason (ur.). Dressings for superficial and partial thickness burns. Cochrane Database Syst Rev (svezak 4): str. CD002106. doi:10.1002/14651858.CD002106.pub3. PMID 18843629CS1 održavanje: više imena: authors list (link)
  • Avni T, Levcovich A, Ad-El DD, Leibovici L, Paul M. 2010. Prophylactic antibiotics for burns patients: systematic review and meta-analysis. BMJ. svezak 340: str. 241. doi:10.1136/bmj.c241. PMC 2822136. PMID 20156911CS1 održavanje: više imena: authors list (link)
  • Storm-Versloot, MN; Vos, CG; Ubbink, DT; Vermeulen, H. 2010 Mar 17. Storm-Versloot, Marja N (ur.). Topical silver for preventing wound infection. Cochrane database of systematic reviews (Online) (3): CD006478. doi:10.1002/14651858.CD006478.pub2. PMID 20238345 Provjerite vrijednost datuma u parametru: |date= (pomoć)
  • Dumville, JC; Munson, C. 12. prosinca 2012. Negative pressure wound therapy for partial-thickness burns. Cochrane database of systematic reviews (Online). svezak 12: broj CD006215. PMID 23235626
  • Zachariah, JR; Rao, AL; Prabha, R; Gupta, AK; Paul, MK; Lamba, S. Kolovoz 2012. Post burn pruritus--a review of current treatment options. Burns: journal of the International Society for Burn Injuries. svezak 38 (broj 5): str. 621.–629. PMID 22244605
  • Orgill, DP; Piccolo, N. rujan-listopad 2009. Escharotomy and decompressive therapies in burns. Journal of burn care & research : official publication of the American Burn Association. svezak 30 (broj 5): str. 759.–768. PMID 19692906 Provjerite vrijednost datuma u parametru: |date= (pomoć)
  • Jull AB, Rodgers A, Walker N. 2008. Jull, Andrew B (ur.). Honey as a topical treatment for wounds. Cochrane Database Syst Rev (broj 4): str. CD005083. doi:10.1002/14651858.CD005083.pub2. PMID 18843679CS1 održavanje: više imena: authors list (link)
  • Wijesinghe, M; Weatherall, M; Perrin, K; Beasley, R. 22. svibnja 2009. Honey in the treatment of burns: a systematic review and meta-analysis of its efficacy. The New Zealand medical journal. svezak 122 (broj 1295): str. 47.-60. PMID 19648986
  • Dat, AD; Poon, F; Pham, KB; Doust, J. 15. veljače 2012. Aloe vera for treating acute and chronic wounds. Cochrane database of systematic reviews (Online). svezak 2: str. CD008762. PMID 22336851
  • Maenthaisong, R; Chaiyakunapruk, N; Niruntraporn, S; Kongkaew, C. Rujan 2007. The efficacy of aloe vera used for burn wound healing: a systematic review. Burns : journal of the International Society for Burn Injuries. svezak 33 (broj 6): str. 713.-718. PMID 17499928
  • Juckett, G; Hartman-Adams, H. 1. kolovoza 2009. Management of keloids and hypertrophic scars. American family physician. svezak 80 (broj 3): str. 253.–260. PMID 19621835
  • Edlich, RF; Farinholt, HM; Winters, KL; Britt, LD; Long WB, 3rd. 2005. Modern concepts of treatment and prevention of electrical burns. Journal of long-term effects of medical implants. svezak 15 (broj 5): str. 511.–532. PMID 16218900
  • Ahuja, RB; Bhattacharya, S. 21. kolovoza 2004. Burns in the developing world and burn disasters. BMJ (Clinical research ed.). svezak 329 (broj 7463): str. 447.–449. PMID 15321905




  • Trkulja, Vladimir Trkulja; Carić, Aleksandra; Matoš, Ivica; Lacković, Zdravko (1991.): Zapaljivo oružje; Medicinski vjesnik, Vol. 23 (broj 3-4); str. 99. (pristupljeno 2. studenoga 2019.)
