Politička ljevica (Croatian Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Politička ljevica" in Croatian language version.

Global rank Croatian rank
6th place
50th place
3rd place
18th place
2,117th place
4,027th place
2nd place
12th place
1st place
1st place
12th place
42nd place


  • Smith, T. Alexander; Tatalovich, Raymond. 2003. Cultures at War: Moral Conflicts in Western Democracies. Broadview Press. Toronto, Canada. str. 30
  • Bobbio, Norberto; Cameron, Allan. 1997. Left and Right: The Significance of a Political Distinction. University of Chicago Press. str. 37
  • Revel, Jean Francois. 2009. Last Exit to Utopia. Encounter Books. str. 24. ISBN 978-1594032646. In the United States, the word liberal is often used to describe the left wing of the Democratic party.
  • Barry, John. 2002. International Encyclopedia of Environmental Politics. Taylor & Francis. ISBN 978-0415202855. All surveys confirm that environmental concern is associated with green voting...[I]n subsequent European elections, green voters have tended to be more left-leaning...the party is capable of motivating its core supporters as well as other environmentally minded voters of predominantly left-wing persuasion...
  • Arnold, N. Scott. 2009. Imposing values: an essay on liberalism and regulation. Oxford University Press. Florence. str. 3. ISBN 978-0-495-50112-1. Modern liberalism occupies the left-of-center in the traditional political spectrum and is represented by the Democratic Party in the United States, the Labor Party in the United Kingdom, and the mainstream Left (including some nominally socialist parties) in other advanced democratic societies.







  • Democratic socialism (PDF). Inačica izvorne stranice arhivirana 2. rujna 2006. Pristupljeno 3. lipnja 2017.CS1 održavanje: bot: nepoznat status originalnog URL-a (link)