Fleeming Jenkin, 1870. "The Graphical Representation of the Laws of Supply and Demand, and their Application to Labour," in Alexander Grant, ed., Recess Studies, Edinburgh. poglavlje VI, str. 151-85. Edinburgh. Pogledajte poglavlje ovdje.
Thomas M. Humphrey, 1992. "Marshallian Cross Diagrams and Their Uses before Alfred Marshall," Economic Review, Mar/Apr, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, str. 3-23.Arhivirana inačica izvorne stranice od 19. listopada 2012. (Wayback Machine)
Thomas M. Humphrey, 1992. "Marshallian Cross Diagrams and Their Uses before Alfred Marshall," Economic Review, Mar/Apr, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, str. 3-23.Arhivirana inačica izvorne stranice od 19. listopada 2012. (Wayback Machine)