[2]Arhivirana inačica izvorne stranice od 12. prosinca 2013. (Wayback Machine) "Does the Third Way Work? The Left and Labour Market Policy Reform in Britain,France, and Germany", JOCHEN CLASEN AND DANIEL CLEGG, iz knjige "Welfare state change : towards a Third Way?" urednici Jane Lavis i Rebeca Surender, Oxford University Press, 2004 pristupljeno 6.12.2013.
[1] "Labour Party General Election Manifestos 1900-1997", Volume Two, str. 345, uredio Iain Dale, izdanje Routledge, 4.7.2013.
[2]Arhivirana inačica izvorne stranice od 12. prosinca 2013. (Wayback Machine) "Does the Third Way Work? The Left and Labour Market Policy Reform in Britain,France, and Germany", JOCHEN CLASEN AND DANIEL CLEGG, iz knjige "Welfare state change : towards a Third Way?" urednici Jane Lavis i Rebeca Surender, Oxford University Press, 2004 pristupljeno 6.12.2013.