Trgovanje emisijskim jedinicama stakleničkih plinova (Croatian Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Trgovanje emisijskim jedinicama stakleničkih plinova" in Croatian language version.

Global rank Croatian rank
1st place
1st place
low place
low place
2nd place
12th place
low place
low place
882nd place
905th place
low place
low place
low place
low place
1,389th place
963rd place
26th place
227th place
344th place
194th place
405th place
2,459th place
low place
low place
7th place
28th place

  • Stavins, Robert N. 1998. What Can We Learn from the Grand Policy Experiment? Lessons from SO2 Allowance Trading. The Journal of Economic Perspectives. 3. American Economic Association. 12 (3): 69–88. JSTOR 2647033.

  • Stavins, Robert N. Studeni 2001. Experience with Market-Based Environmental Policy Instruments (PDF). Discussion Paper 01-58. Resources for the Future. Washington, D.C.. Inačica izvorne stranice (PDF) arhivirana 1. svibnja 2011. Pristupljeno 29. prosinca 2013.. Market-based instruments are regulations that encourage behavior through market signals rather than through explicit directives regarding pollution control levels or methods
  • Stavins, Robert N. Studeni 2001. Experience with Market-Based Environmental Policy Instruments (PDF). Discussion Paper 01-58. Resources for the Future. Washington, D.C.. Inačica izvorne stranice (PDF) arhivirana 1. svibnja 2011. Pristupljeno 29. prosinca 2013. journal zahtijeva |journal= (pomoć)

  • Stavins, Robert N. Studeni 2001. Experience with Market-Based Environmental Policy Instruments (PDF). Discussion Paper 01-58. Resources for the Future. Washington, D.C.. Inačica izvorne stranice (PDF) arhivirana 1. svibnja 2011. Pristupljeno 29. prosinca 2013.. Market-based instruments are regulations that encourage behavior through market signals rather than through explicit directives regarding pollution control levels or methods
  • EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS)Arhivirana inačica izvorne stranice od 14. prosinca 2009. (Wayback Machine). UK Department of Energy and Climate Change. Retrieved 29.prosinca 2013.
  • Judson Jaffe, Matthew Ranson and Robert N. Stavins. 2009. Linking Tradable Permit Systems: A Key Element of Emerging International Climate Policy Architecture (PDF). Ecology Law Quarterly. 36 (789). Inačica izvorne stranice (PDF) arhivirana 2. veljače 2010. Pristupljeno 29. prosinca 2013.
  • Stavins, Robert N. Studeni 2001. Experience with Market-Based Environmental Policy Instruments (PDF). Discussion Paper 01-58. Resources for the Future. Washington, D.C.. Inačica izvorne stranice (PDF) arhivirana 1. svibnja 2011. Pristupljeno 29. prosinca 2013. journal zahtijeva |journal= (pomoć)
  • CantorCO2e Launches First Internet CER Auction (priopćenje). CantorCO2e. 9. rujna 2008. Inačica izvorne stranice arhivirana 1. svibnja 2011. Pristupljeno 2. siječnja 2014. Arhivirana kopija. Inačica izvorne stranice arhivirana 1. svibnja 2011. Pristupljeno 2. siječnja 2014.CS1 održavanje: arhivirana kopija u naslovu (link)
  • Arhivirana kopija. Inačica izvorne stranice arhivirana 17. kolovoza 2019. Pristupljeno 2. siječnja 2014.CS1 održavanje: arhivirana kopija u naslovu (link)