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Thomas Cavalier-Smith & Ema E. Chao (2010. október 1.). „Phylogeny and evolution of Apusomonadida (Protozoa: Apusozoa): new genera and species”. Protist161 (4), 549–576. o. DOI:10.1016/j.protis.2010.04.002. PMID20537943.
Brown, Matthew W. (2013. október 22.). „Phylogenomics demonstrates that breviate flagellates are related to opisthokonts and apusomonads” (angol nyelven). Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences280 (1769), 20131755. o. DOI:10.1098/rspb.2013.1755. ISSN0962-8452. PMID23986111. PMC3768317.
Eme, Laura (2014. augusztus 1.). „On the Age of Eukaryotes: Evaluating Evidence from Fossils and Molecular Clocks” (angol nyelven). Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Biology6 (8), a016139. o. DOI:10.1101/cshperspect.a016139. ISSN1943-0264. PMID25085908. PMC4107988.
Cavalier-Smith, Thomas (2013. május 1.). „Early evolution of eukaryote feeding modes, cell structural diversity, and classification of the protozoan phyla Loukozoa, Sulcozoa, and Choanozoa”. European Journal of Protistology49 (2), 115–178 Document online. o. DOI:10.1016/j.ejop.2012.06.001. ISSN0932-4739. PMID23085100.
Brown, Matthew W. (2013. október 22.). „Phylogenomics demonstrates that breviate flagellates are related to opisthokonts and apusomonads” (angol nyelven). Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences280 (1769), 20131755. o. DOI:10.1098/rspb.2013.1755. ISSN0962-8452. PMID23986111. PMC3768317.
Eme, Laura (2014. augusztus 1.). „On the Age of Eukaryotes: Evaluating Evidence from Fossils and Molecular Clocks” (angol nyelven). Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Biology6 (8), a016139. o. DOI:10.1101/cshperspect.a016139. ISSN1943-0264. PMID25085908. PMC4107988.
Brown, Matthew W. (2013. október 22.). „Phylogenomics demonstrates that breviate flagellates are related to opisthokonts and apusomonads” (angol nyelven). Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences280 (1769), 20131755. o. DOI:10.1098/rspb.2013.1755. ISSN0962-8452. PMID23986111. PMC3768317.
Eme, Laura (2014. augusztus 1.). „On the Age of Eukaryotes: Evaluating Evidence from Fossils and Molecular Clocks” (angol nyelven). Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Biology6 (8), a016139. o. DOI:10.1101/cshperspect.a016139. ISSN1943-0264. PMID25085908. PMC4107988.
Cavalier-Smith, Thomas (2013. május 1.). „Early evolution of eukaryote feeding modes, cell structural diversity, and classification of the protozoan phyla Loukozoa, Sulcozoa, and Choanozoa”. European Journal of Protistology49 (2), 115–178 Document online. o. DOI:10.1016/j.ejop.2012.06.001. ISSN0932-4739. PMID23085100.