"Ezért hasznosabbnak tűnik, hogy Excellenciád jó és alkalmas embereket válasszon a tisztségei betöltésére, akiket, ha vonakodnak is, szükség esetén vegyen rá arra, hogy vállalják el a feladatukat, mivel az ő jóságuk és szorgalmuk nagyobb gyarapodást fog eredményezni Önnek és alattvalóinak, mint amit Excellenciád a tisztségek eladásával elérni képes lenne." A zsidók kormányzásáról – levél Margit flandriai hercegnőnek (Fordította: Tudós-Takács János)
"the Jews of your land seem to have nothing except what they acquired through the depravity of usury" Thomistica.net
"as the laws say, the Jews by reason of their fault are sentenced to perpetual servitude" Thomistica.net
"But if it be said that the princes of countries suffer loss from this, this loss should be imputed to them as coming from their own negligence; for it would be better if they compelled Jews to work for their own living, as they do in parts of Italy" Thomistica.net
"it is licit accept it. And it is helpful that money received in this way be returned to those to whom it is owed, or otherwise expended, as has been said before, if they have nothing other than usurious gain." Thomistica.net
"in this case it is legitimate for you to keep it" Thomistica.net