Totten, Shay. „Sanders to push global warming legislation in Senate”, Vermont Guardian, 2007. január 15.. [2015. május 8-i dátummal az eredetiből archiválva] (Hozzáférés: 2009. augusztus 4.) „Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-VT, said Monday he was making good on at least one of a handful of campaign promises — introducing a bill designed to cut U.S. contributions to global greenhouse gas emissions in the next decade. ... Sanders added that construction of new power plants is "extraordinarily expensive" and he would prefer to see federal funding support used to expand the development of sustainable energy, as well as biofuels.”
Totten, Shay. „Sanders to push global warming legislation in Senate”, Vermont Guardian, 2007. január 15.. [2015. május 8-i dátummal az eredetiből archiválva] (Hozzáférés: 2009. augusztus 4.) „Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-VT, said Monday he was making good on at least one of a handful of campaign promises — introducing a bill designed to cut U.S. contributions to global greenhouse gas emissions in the next decade. ... Sanders added that construction of new power plants is "extraordinarily expensive" and he would prefer to see federal funding support used to expand the development of sustainable energy, as well as biofuels.”