Erin C. Schafer, Linda M. Thibodeau (2004). „Speech recognition abilities of adults using CIs interfaced with FM systems”. Journal of the American Academy of Audiology15 (10), 678–691. o. DOI:10.3766/jaaa.15.10.3. PMID15646666.
Offeciers E, Morera C, Müller J, Huarte A, Shallop J, Cavallé L. (2005. szeptember 1.). „International consensus on bilateral cochlear implants and bimodal stimulation”. Acta Otolaryngol.125 (9), 918–919. o. DOI:10.1080/00016480510044412. PMID16109670.
Biernath KR, Reefhuis J, Whitney CG (2006. február 1.). „Bacterial meningitis among children with cochlear implants beyond 24 months after implantation”. Pediatrics117 (2), 284–9. o. DOI:10.1542/peds.2005-0824. PMID16390918.
Summerfield AQ, Cirstea SE, Roberts KL, Barton GR, Graham JM, O'Donoghue GM (2005. március 1.). „Incidence of meningitis and of death from all causes among users of cochlear implants in the United Kingdom”. Journal of Public Health27 (1), 55–61. o. DOI:10.1093/pubmed/fdh188. PMID15564280.
Papsin, BC (2005. január 1.). „Cochlear implantation in children with anomalous cochleovestibular anatomy.”. The Laryngoscope115 (1 Pt 2 Suppl 106), 1–26. o. DOI:10.1097/00005537-200501001-00001. PMID15626926.
Pakdaman, MN (2011. december 1.). „Cochlear Implantation in Children with Anomalous Cochleovestibular Anatomy: A Systematic Review”. Otolaryngology--head and neck surgery : official journal of American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery146 (2), 180–90. o. DOI:10.1177/0194599811429244. PMID22140206.
Gstoettner W, Kiefer J, Baumgartner WD, Pok S, Peters S, Adunka O (2004. május 1.). „Hearing preservation in cochlear implantation for electric acoustic stimulation”. Acta Oto-laryngologica124 (4), 348–52. o. DOI:10.1080/00016480410016432. PMID15224851.
Monksfield P, Husseman J, Cowan RS, O'Leary SJ, Briggs RJ (2012. augusztus 1.). „The new Nucleus 5 model cochlear implant: a new surgical technique and early clinical results”. Cochlear Implants International13 (3), 142–7. o. DOI:10.1179/1754762811Y.0000000012. PMID22333886.
Erin C. Schafer, Linda M. Thibodeau (2004). „Speech recognition abilities of adults using CIs interfaced with FM systems”. Journal of the American Academy of Audiology15 (10), 678–691. o. DOI:10.3766/jaaa.15.10.3. PMID15646666.
Offeciers E, Morera C, Müller J, Huarte A, Shallop J, Cavallé L. (2005. szeptember 1.). „International consensus on bilateral cochlear implants and bimodal stimulation”. Acta Otolaryngol.125 (9), 918–919. o. DOI:10.1080/00016480510044412. PMID16109670.
Biernath KR, Reefhuis J, Whitney CG (2006. február 1.). „Bacterial meningitis among children with cochlear implants beyond 24 months after implantation”. Pediatrics117 (2), 284–9. o. DOI:10.1542/peds.2005-0824. PMID16390918.
Summerfield AQ, Cirstea SE, Roberts KL, Barton GR, Graham JM, O'Donoghue GM (2005. március 1.). „Incidence of meningitis and of death from all causes among users of cochlear implants in the United Kingdom”. Journal of Public Health27 (1), 55–61. o. DOI:10.1093/pubmed/fdh188. PMID15564280.
Papsin, BC (2005. január 1.). „Cochlear implantation in children with anomalous cochleovestibular anatomy.”. The Laryngoscope115 (1 Pt 2 Suppl 106), 1–26. o. DOI:10.1097/00005537-200501001-00001. PMID15626926.
Pakdaman, MN (2011. december 1.). „Cochlear Implantation in Children with Anomalous Cochleovestibular Anatomy: A Systematic Review”. Otolaryngology--head and neck surgery : official journal of American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery146 (2), 180–90. o. DOI:10.1177/0194599811429244. PMID22140206.
Gstoettner W, Kiefer J, Baumgartner WD, Pok S, Peters S, Adunka O (2004. május 1.). „Hearing preservation in cochlear implantation for electric acoustic stimulation”. Acta Oto-laryngologica124 (4), 348–52. o. DOI:10.1080/00016480410016432. PMID15224851.
Monksfield P, Husseman J, Cowan RS, O'Leary SJ, Briggs RJ (2012. augusztus 1.). „The new Nucleus 5 model cochlear implant: a new surgical technique and early clinical results”. Cochlear Implants International13 (3), 142–7. o. DOI:10.1179/1754762811Y.0000000012. PMID22333886.